Thursday, October 14

PLO chief sparks outrage after comments on recognizing Jewish state

GAZA, (PIC)-- Senior PLO member Yasser Abed Rabbo sparked outrage among Palestinian factions over an announcement he made on behalf of the Ramallah and Fatah authorities that they are willing to recognize Israel as a Jewish state in return for a Palestinian state on the borders of 1967.


Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) First Deputy Speaker Dr. Ahmed Bahar said Abed Rabbo should be prosecuted before a Palestinian court for his betrayal of the rights of the people, the blood of the martyrs, and Palestinian national principles.


Bahar said in a press statement on Wednesday that Abed Rabbo has violated all principles of national Palestinian agreement and opened the door to new division among the Palestinians. He added that the statements place an imminent and substantial threat in front of Palestinian reconciliation.


Bahar stressed that Fatah's silence over Abed Rabbo's statements signals the direction and political agenda of the movement during the upcoming stages and its plans to back down on national rights and constants.


For his part, PLC Secretary Mahmoud Al Ramahi said Abed Rabbo has no right to speak for the Palestinian people, who have put forth enormous sacrifices to end the occupation and establish an independent Palestinian state without backing down on even one inch of land.


"The Executive Committee itself does not represent a broad sector of the Palestinian people, but is limited to a particular group, especially after the Popular Front suspended its participation in the organization's meetings, along with it losing the trust of the Palestinian people," Ramahi said.


Hamas leader Dr. Salah Al Bardawil said in press statement that Abed Rabbo's remarks are a "national crime", adding that Abed Rabbo only represents himself.


He said in a press statement that Hamas reiterates its position refusing to recognize Israel under any conditions, as recognizing Israel is an unforgiveable crime. He called on Fatah to withdraw its recognition of Israel, asserting that it would cause great harm to the Palestinian cause.


Arab member of the Israeli Knesset Jamal Zahaliqa called on the PLO to remove its secretary Abed Rabbo from office in light of his statements.

"Neither Yasser Abed Rabbo nor anyone else has the right to sell the rights of the Palestinians in the interior [1948-occupied Palestine], or to waive the rights of the refugees abroad, or confer legitimacy for that by recognizing Israel as a Jewish state," he said.


PLO Secretary Yasser Abed Rabbo told Haaretz on Wednesday that the Palestinians were willing to recognize Israel as a Jewish state, but only on a clear basis represented by a full withdrawal from territories occupied in 1967, including East Jerusalem.


Abed Rabbo, commenting on the U.S. Secretary of State position to aid Israel's position to identify itself as a Jewish state, said there is no objection on the Palestinian side over recognizing the Jewishness of Israel. "But the U.S administration should present a clear map of the borders of the state of Israel so we can recognize it."


"In return for this recognition, they must recognize the Palestinian state which will be located on the land occupied in 1967, including eastern Jerusalem. In this case we do not have any objection in recognizing Israel in the manner it sees fit, whether it was Jewish or Chinese."


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