Wednesday, September 29

Ma'an exclusive: Turkey's draft flotilla resolution

GENEVA (Ma'an) -- Ma'an has obtained a copy of the draft resolution that Turkey will present to the UN Human Rights Council this week endorsing follow-up recommendations on a UN-backed inquiry into Israel's deadly 31 May naval raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla.

The draft regrets Israel's "non-cooperation" in the inquiry and recommends that the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights submit a follow-up report on the status of the rights body's conclusions that Israel broke international law during the raid that left nine people dead.

Follow up resolution to the report of the Independent International fact finding mission

"The Human Rights Council,

"Guided by the principles and objectives of the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

"Considering that the promotion of respect for the obligations arising from the Charter and the other instruments and rules of international laws is among the basic purposes and principles of the United Nations,

"Taking into consideration the provisions of the Forth Geneva Convention for the Protection of Civilian Persons in Times of War of 12 August 1942,

"Emphasizing the importance of the safety and well being of all civilians including humanitarian personnel,

"Recalling its resolution A/HRC/14/1 of 2 June 2010, in which the Council decided to dispatch an independent international fact finding mission to investigate violations of human rights law and international humanitarian law resulting from the Israeli attacks on the flotilla of ships carrying humanitarian assistance.

"1. Welcomes the report of the Independent International fact finding Mission,

"2. Deeply regrets the non-cooperation by the occupying power, Israel, with the independent international fact-finding mission,

"3. Endorses the conclusions contained in the report of the Independent International fact finding mission, and calls upon all concerned parties to ensure their immediate implementation,

"4. Recommends the General Assembly to consider the report of the Independent International fact finding mission,

"5. Requests the High Commissioner for Human Rights to submit to the 16th Human Rights Council’s session of March 2011, a report, on the status of implementation of paragraph 3 of this resolution

"6. Decides to follow up the implementation of the present resolution at its 16th Session of March 2011"

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