Monday, August 2

Palestinian homes in Jerusalem - Two articles

Zionist plot to demolish 60 homes in northern Jerusalem
Palestinian Information Center

July 30, 2010 -- It was revealed that the Israeli occupation municipality of Jerusalem intends to demolish 25 buildings in the Eisaweyya neighbourhood to the north of the holy city at the pretext of lack of planning permit. Ahmad Laban, a researcher at Ir Amim (City of Nations) said in a statement on Thursday that the homes that the Israeli occupation municipality intends to demolish comprise 60 apartments which will result in leaving dozens of Palestinian families homeless...

Read the full article:

Jerusalem: Evicted families spend first night outdoors
Ma'an news

July 30, 2010 - Nine Palestinian families spent their first night in the open air on Thursday, after being forced out of their homes by Israeli settlers before sunrise the same morning. Sami Qeresh head of a household of six dependents, said women and children "spent a night in the open air waiting for Israeli forces to carry out their decision" over documents allegedly showing Jewish ownership of the eleven-apartment building near the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem's Old City...
Read the full article:


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