Sunday, August 1

Is international solidarity a hoax?

Revolutionary Fesenjan

I encountered a question today, should we believe that leftists must be active in the campaign against Sekineh Ashtiani's stoning or execution? and would such campaign be inherently imperialist?"

If campaigning for Sakineh in the US might be an imperialist act then what would happen to the concept of international solidarity? Is international solidarity an imperialist act unless it's set against some kind of imperialist power? Is it only related to the gender of Sakineh that international solidarity with her case should be cautioned since imperialists are interested in using women's domestic issues to "justify" attacking them with bombs? Or would supporting Reza Shahabi, Mansour Osanloo, Madadi, and all other imprisoned Iranian unionists be an imperialist act since it's somehow criticizing IR's mistreatment of Iranian workers and imperialist states might possibly (mis)use that info? So, when worker activists are in jail, should leftists go silent, not raise awareness, and possibly come up with some propaganda to cover up and distort the story so that imperialist states do not misuse the suffering of the workers in their own advantage? What is the difference between people being oppressed by their own government vs. by the imperialist states? Maybe one would say that in the case of Iran, the latter (like a war against Iran) would cause way more suffering to people than the former. But I think both internal and external oppression are somehow interconnected. I don't think going silent to internal oppression would decrease the risk of getting oppressed by the imperialist states as people will be disempowered by the brutality imposed on them by their own government and consequently may become more susceptible to imperialist states' oppression.

How can an imprisoned Iranian, who actually happens to be a hardcore anti-imperialist, oppose imperialism when s/he is in jail? How can workers of Iran join the workers in the US, Afghanistan, Iraq, Canada, etc. to oppose war and economic sanctions against Iran when they are denied the right to have a union and to organize? Then how can leftists justify not standing next to them in their struggle for such rights-- leftists claiming that they are busy fighting imperialism for them? How can Iranians stand against imperialism in a climate of fear exemplified by the government's stoning of a woman? I mean that the process of domestic empowerment should be as strongly supported as is the opposition to imperialism. I honestly can't see how a principled activist can disregard Iranian people get smashed to pieces by domestic violence, and s/he justifies her/his indifference by fighting imperialism for Iranian people in a paternalist fashion. Do such activists think justice and democracy are too fancy for the people of Iran and fighting imperialism is a good enough agenda for those who father them? Or does it make such activists or commentators feel "macho and strong" to fight for Iranian people against the big bullies but don't feel that way when stand against the government of a poor country who happen to be on the US bad guys' list? An example of such commentators is a blogger that I would call X to avoid making it personal. The only time X supports Iranian people is when s/he is opposing US or Israel's threats of war against Iranian people (standing against Israel or the US must make such commentators feel like a big body-builder), in other cases of Iranian people's suffering X would either bash/insult Iranians or whistles while pretending that nothing is happening to Iranian people in their country.


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