Thursday, July 29

Israel is making Palestinian Prisoners Suffer from Hunger

by Omar Ghraieb
 (Pal Telegraph) A number of prisoners sitting in the prisons of the Israeli occupation said that the food served to them is not fit to eat or for human use or consumption because of its poor processing, dirtiness, very small quantity, and bad kind.
Center for studies on prisoners said in a statement issued to the press today: “The prevention of the introduction of any kind of food to the prison through visits, and the prevention of buying some through the canteen, and irregular input of funds to the account numbers of prisoners, particularly prisoners of Gaza Strip has caused a real crisis on the subject of food, its not enough for the prisoners, and the impact on their health in general.
The Centre’s Director, Raafat Hamdouna, said:” The management of prison established a set laws of which it controls the amount of money is allowed for the prisoner as a sort of pressure on him, they also dont allow them to enter the kitchens of the prison to cook in their own way.”
The food given to prisoners is of bad quality and quantity, not many kinds of food are available, most notably Fruits, noting that prisoners suffer from hunger everywhere in the prisons and during the whole process due to lack of food and its badness.
Hamdouna demanded all international institutions whether for human rights or humanitarian needs to intervene to put an end the prison administration’s negligence  to the requirements of the prisoners basic needs, appealing to the Red Cross, human rights organizations, associations and centers to help the prisoners and improve their living conditions and stop violations of their rights.
Source: The Palestine Telegraph

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