Wednesday, June 2

Terrorism gets new meaning by Israel!

Israel: You are Apart of Terrorism for providing humanitarian to the people of Gaza

So, let me wrap my head around this; the killing and maiming of volunteer humanitarian aid workers, who were trying to get desperately needed aid to Gaza is "perfectly legal, perfectly humane, and perfectly responsible"?!?!? Michael Oren, Israel's ambassador to the United States, called Israel's raid on an aid flotilla en route to Gaza "perfectly legal, perfectly humane and very responsible" in an interview Tuesday with Fox News.

Oren likened the attack to that of the US in World War II.

"The US acted under similar international law when it fought the Germans and the Japanese in World War Two," the ambassador said.

Oren also defended Israel's right to attack the ship even though it was in international waters.

"Israel acted in accord with international law," he remarked. "Any state has the right to protect itself, certainly from a terrorist threat such as Hamas, including on the open seas."

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed not to let the public relations challenge and international condemnation surrounding the flotilla raid to force his country to end a blockade on Gaza.

The aid flotilla was funded by a Turkish group.

A former agent for the Israeli intelligence service Mossad, Victory Ostrovsky, told Washington Post reporter Jeff Stein on Tuesday that he felt Israel's approach to the raid was "so stupid it's stupefying."

For one, Ostrovsky suggested, commandos could have approached the ship from under water and disabled the propellers, letting the activists drift for days until their food supplies ran out. He added that Israeli soldiers should not have fast-roped into a crowd as they had, instead suggesting that it would have been more productive to board the ship from the front and back, then work inward.

"The mistakes were on every level," Ostrovsky told Stein, "from the order to forcefully board outside the territorial waters to the actual attack."

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