Friday, June 4

Letters Needed: NY Times Op-eds Recycle Israeli Propaganda on the Gaza Flotilla Attack


WRITE! for Justice, International Law, and Human Rights in Palestine


Today (6/3/10), the New York Times recycled a heavy dose of Israeli propaganda in their two featured guest op-eds on the Gaza flotilla attack -- one was written by Michael Oren, Israel's Ambassador to the US ('An Assault, Cloaked in Peace') and the second is authored by Daniel Gordis, Vice President of the Shalem Center ('A Botched Raid, a Vital Embargo').


Both op-eds ignore the devastating impact of Israel's blockade on Gaza, with Mr. Gordis denying that there is any humanitarian crisisAmbassador Oren falsely claims that there is no shortage of food or medicine in GazaBoth authors attribute false motives to the  flotillas, with Amb. Oren making the absurd assertion that the real intent of breaking the embargo is to allow rockets to be transported to Gaza.


The op-eds repeat false claims about Israeli proposed coodination of the humanitarian aid -- leading readers to believe that all of the cargo would have been transferred to Gaza after Israeli inspection (avoiding any mention of Israel's pre-approved list of goods).  In addition, the claim that aid packages for Gilad Shalit were rebuffed by flotilla organizers is not accurate. 


Finally, while Mr. Gordis repeats the cliche of "no partner for peace" along with the decade old myth of Barak's "generous offer", Amb. Oren insists that Israel is ready to vigorously pursue peace with the Palestinian Authority -- while the Netanyahu government vigorously expropriates Palestinian land and arrests and attacks nonviolent protestors in East Jerusalem and throughout the West Bank.       


Please WRITE! to the New York Times, and ask the US paper of record to account for the numerous factual misreprentations in their featured op-eds today.  We also need to insist that the New York Times publish op-eds from Palestinians under the blockade, participants on the flotillas, and representatives from international human rights organizations among others -- although Nicholas Kristof had some encouraging remarks in his op-ed today.  Be sure to keep your letters under 150 words and include your name, address, and phone number for verification purposes only.      


For further information:


IMEU: Facts about the Humanitarian Crisis in the Gaza Strip


MJ Rosenberg: Lying About the Gaza Flotilla Attack


FAIR: Reporting Israeli Assault Through Israel's Eyes


Nicholas Kristof: Saving Israel from Itself


An Assault, Cloaked in Peace



A Botched Raid, a Vital Embargo (Excerpt)


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