Greg Bacon
Goon Squad
When you visit your kid's grave site at some national cemetery, killed fighting 'Wars for Wall Street and Israel,' give thanks that your son or daughter died fighting a war for Zionism.
When you drive home on a pothole filled highway, silently utter a prayer for Israel and smile, knowing that the money that should have repaired that road is building state of the art highways in Israel.
When you see another story about thousands of illegals swarming over our southern border each day, give thanks, knowing that our Army Corp of Engineers and our tax money is being used to build a 30' high Apartheid Wall around the West Bank for Israel and an underground barrier between Gaza and Egypt to prevent 'terrorist' items like food, meds and generator fuel from reaching the Gaza Ghetto.
When that pain in your stomach becomes to much to bear, but you still put off seeing a doctor because you can't afford the visit, say "Hallelujah," since you know your tax money is supporting some of the world's finest health care, available to all Israeli Jews, for a mere pittance.
When you read about the skyrocketing costs of higher education here in the USA and realize there's no way your family could afford to send your son or daughter to college, be happy that your taxes are being used to subsidize Jews attending colleges and universities in Israel.
When your husband gets laid off from his decent paying job at a local defense plant, sing praises to G-d that the work was farmed out to a factory in Tel Aviv.
When you wonder if Social Security will still be there when you retire, be thankful that some of your SS money is being given to Jews, emigrating from Russia to the USA and who never paid one red cent into that fund.
When you realize that you can no longer run the dairy farm that has been in the family for 5 generations, smile and be happy, knowing that President Barry removed the tariff on Israeli dairy products that helped protect your enterprise from cheap, foreign Zionist slave labor.
Don't worry about the exploding U.S. national debt, just be happy that much of that debt was incurred helping Israel maintain ME dominance and helping Israeli Jews live a life of luxury.
When you find out that your mortgaged house is worth way less than the loan, sing praises to G-d that in Israel, none of the toxic slop known as mortgage backed securities, created and sold by Wall Street "Too Big to Fail Banks' was peddled to or in Israel and that they have largely escaped the world-wide financial crisis.
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