Saturday, May 29

A MUCH needed breath of fresh air?

peace groups flag 
WRITTEN by Mary Rizzo 
Forget DialogueFor quite a while, people involved in activism (as advocates of Palestinian nationalism and the Palestinian cause) have been part of a “dialogue movement”. This follows an extended period of time wasted in the failed “peace movement”. Once we figured out it was another Zionist trap (and it admittedly took several decades too long, since no Palestinian advocacy participant is against peace, so it was difficult to communicate to all that peace was not its objective and thus our participation was enabling Zionism) we were well out the door. Peace, in the Zionist dictionary is quite singular in its definition, and over the years has even gone beyond the previous Zionist definition, “leave us in peace”, it now means only an actual cessation of evident hostilities with exception made for Israeli war needs of course, while Israel is still permitted to do what it wants. To have peace, as we know, the promotion of Israeli normalisation is essential. To “cooperate” with Israel through normalisation, in this case intended as “dialogue”, however, is of course another Zionist instrument that has to be abandoned, just like the “peace movement”.

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