Wednesday, May 26

Letters Needed: Support the Gaza Freedom Flotilla

WRITE! for Justice, International Law, and Human Rights in Palestine


The Free Gaza flotilla is on its way to bring much needed supplies to Israeli occupied and blockaded Gaza.  Unlike previous Free Gaza boats, this flotilla includes large vessels and will be carrying substantial amounts of reconstruction, medical and school supplies along with 800 passengers from 50 countries.  It cannot afford to fail.  This is an opportunity to denounce the inhumanity of Israel's three year long siege and running.  Israel has already said they will stop the flotilla from reaching Gaza's shore, as they have previously done with other Free Gaza boats.


We cannot wait until something happens before we mobilize.  If we are to be helpful in this effort, we need to begin support activities immediately.  If the convoy has already been attacked or blockaded, our demonstration will be a powerful protest.  If it has not yet arrived, our demonstration will be a demand that it be allowed to pass in peace. 


Please WRITE! in support of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla: 

1) Contact your Congressional representative -- switchboard number 202-224-3121.

2) Every time someone sends a letter from here, it will e-mail and fax 150 Israeli Embassies and Consulates worldwide:

3) Please also sign the Gaza Flotilla petition:

4) Thank The Hill newspaper for publishing the op-ed below by Iara Lee as it is sure to draw a heavy response. 


For further information:  


Free Gaza Latest Press Release 


PCHR: 110 Types of Medication and 123 Types of Medical Supplies Out of Stock in the Gaza Strip (forthcoming)



End the blockade in Gaza

By Iara Lee - 05/25/10 11:24 AM ET



This week, I will be boarding one of several ships that are part of a flotilla sailing to Gaza.

The Israeli government's recent decision to deny internationally renowned scholar Noam Chomsky entrance into the occupied territories suggests we, too, might be refused entry. Nevertheless, we will set sail with the intent of delivering food, water, medical supplies and reconstruction materials to communities in Gaza that are in need of humanitarian relief.


Normally, such a goodwill mission would seem entirely innocuous. But in this case the crisis afflicting Palestinian civilians has been created by foreign policy: It is a product of Israel's decision to besiege Gaza in defiance of international law and of United States support for this blockade.


The Israeli government's siege of the Gaza Strip stretches back to 2005, and it has been rigorously enforced since the Israeli military offensive of late 2008 and early 2009, which left more than 1,400 people dead and 14,000 homes damaged or destroyed. Israel argues its military offensive and tightening of the siege are a response to Palestinian rocket fire, ordered by a Hamas government whose legitimacy it does not recognize. However, as leading watchdogs such as Human Rights Watch have repeatedly documented, the Israeli military response has been overwhelmingly disproportionate.


The ongoing siege does nothing to target Palestinian militants but instead violates international norms by holding all responsible for the actions of a few. A report published by Amnesty International, Oxfam, Save the Children, and CARE stated that, "The humanitarian crisis [in Gaza] is a direct result of ongoing collective punishment of ordinary men, women and children and is illegal under international law." 


As a result of the siege, civilians in Gaza, including children and other innocent bystanders who are caught in the middle of this conflict, do not have clean water to drink because authorities cannot rebuild water treatment plants destroyed by the Israeli attacks. Air strikes that damaged basic civilian infrastructure, coupled with curtailed imports, have left many in Gaza without the food and medicine needed to lead healthy lives.  


Rep. Brian Baird (D-Wash.), who has visited Gaza on repeated occasions since the Israeli military offensive, has stated, "The personal stories of children being killed in their homes or schools, entire families wiped out, and relief workers prevented from evacuating the wounded are heart wrenching — what went on here, and what is continuing to go on, is shocking and troubling beyond words."


Those of us taking this voyage are of course concerned for our safety. In the past, some boats attempting to bring much needed supplies to Gazans have been violently harassed by Israeli forces. On Dec. 30, 2008, the vessel Dignity was carrying volunteer surgeons and three tons of medical supplies when it was attacked without warning by an Israeli naval ship, which rammed the boat three times in international waters roughly 90 miles from Gaza's coast. Passengers and crew feared for their lives as their boat quickly took on water and Israeli troops threatened to open fire.


I am joining the effort, nonetheless, because I believe resolutely non-violent actions that call attention to the blockade are vital in educating the public about what is taking place. Simply put, there is no decent justification for preventing shipments of humanitarian aid from reaching a people in crisis.


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Thank you,


WRITE! Team  


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