Saturday, April 10

Videos of one of the LOBBY'S hand-picked US House members

Goon Squad
Rep. Hank Johnson of Georgia is the hand picked stooge chosen by AIPAC to replace Cynthia McKinney, who had shown loyalty to America and not Israel. Bad career move there Cynthia, putting America ahead of Apartheid Israel.

Looks like the LOBBY got their money's worth.

U.S. Rep. Henry "Hank" Johnson (D-Ga.) actually made this looney statement after the House voted to censure U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC). Wilson called out NWO puppet-in-chief Barack Hussein Obama on the floor of the House recently as the puppet was lying through his teeth in an attempt to sell the American people on his maniacal health care scheme. Wilson said, "You lie!" He was right. The puppet was lying, as usual.

Hank knows he best serve his masters well by accusing Arab and Muslim Americans of terrorism.

Quick Hank, name me one Arab or Muslim American who has been caught spying on the USA? The list of Zionist and Israeli Jews that have been caught spying on the USA would fill an entire blog.

Ol' Hank displays his great mental prowess by making the loony statement that Guam would tip over and capsize if another 5,000 US troops deployed there. Yes, the LOBBY sure got the man they wanted in Congress to support and push their nefarious agenda, but what about We the People?

Hank Johnson: US Congressman claims Guam 'will capsize from military influx'

From Obama being hailed in Zionist quarters as the "first Jewish president,' to the Supreme Court starting to look like a clone of the Federal Reserve to the members in the House and Senate wearing skullcaps and visiting Apartheid Israel every chance they get, do we even have a "land of the free and the home of the brave" left to sing about?

Sen. McCain, brought to tears by Sen. Lieberman reminding John Boy who got him that presidential pardon


Here's the lesson to incumbent Senators and House members: Put Apartheid Israel's wants first and to hell with America's needs. Do that and you'll be assured of unlimited 'campaign' donations, positive press in the Zionist owned MSM and possibly even late night visits of underage boys and girls to your bedroom.

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