Tuesday, April 27

The Shores of Gaza

The famous Irish singer, Tommy Sands, wrote the song 'The Shores of Gaza," that we are using for our video, "Cementing Our Support for Gaza." It is fitting that we use his song, since the Free Gaza Movement's cargo ship will be leaving Ireland in the first part of May on it's way to the imprisoned people of Gaza.


The Irish have painted her, renamed her the MV Rachel Corrie and have cleaned and outfitted a ship that was once languishing in port, a battered and bruised vessel, http://www.freegaza.org/en/home/56-news/1164-introducing-the-mv-rachel-corrie

She is the perfect ship to send to the Palestinians in Gaza, a people also battered and bruised by Israel's brutal blockade, a people who don't wish for humanitarian aid but want their human and civil rights just like everyone else. They are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves if provided the means. And our ship will be one of eight that is going to Gaza loaded with cement, pre-fab homes, water purification systems, paper, school supplies, and special medical equipment... all of these items forbidden by the Israeli government who occupies them by air, land and sea.

If you can...buy a bag of cement or a bag for books or just donate to keep us afloat. We are halfway to our goal of $100,000 for the fuel and captains, and we have almost half of the money needed for the cement, thanks to all of you.

Listen to the words in Tommy Sands' song and help us get there.

We are sailing away, with hope in our soul

Sailing to say, "You are not alone."

Sailing today, "Salam, Shalom,"

For peace on the shores of Gaza.

Greta Berlin

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