Monday, April 5

Palestine: Israeli Love Song

neverbeforecampaign When the Israeli regime feels that it has to create a ministry for propaganda, you know that they are worried. This concern is shared by dedicated Zionists and other misled people all over the world. Their concern is simple: the world is begginning to realize that the Israeli regime and its policies are nothing better than any other, past or present, discriminatory/apartheid regime.

No amount of spinning tactics or communications strategies will reverse this long overdue awakening. Yet, the Zionists and their regime persist. Over the past few years we have seen initiative after initiative, document after document, and campaign after campaign, to revert to the old pereceptions that the Israeli regime represents the values of freedom, liberty and equality. This regimes latest move, an initiative to turn every citizen into a PR ambassador highlights the desperation of its spin masters and PR firms.

Along these lines, many documents have been compiled to guide anyone willing to defend the Israeli regime and its policies. Most striking, and what we have been seeing for years by Israeli politicians and advocates, is the focus on the audacious claim that the Israeli regime, and its occupation army, actually cares about the Palestinian people.

It is the same old story for all oppressors eventually their image comes to fall, and soon after wards, so do they.


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