Tuesday, April 27

Al-Walaja heroism, conference in Bethlehem and more

A sign from Gaza: “Dear Europe, Sorry about that cloud of ash over your heads and that you can’t travel anywhere. We feel just the same.  Sincerely, Gaza”

In news, Israeli soldiers were “reprimanded” for cold-blooded murder of 4 young Palestinians.  I guess they would have been jailed for a  few days if they first tortured the Palestinians before shooting them. And the repression continues but also the heroic action of a few dedicated, decent souls to resist. 

Inspiring Sights and sounds from Al-Walaja (blocking bulldozers)
Silwan, Al-Walaja, Beit Jala actions

Action needed in the next 24 hours: After the success with divestment resolution passed at University of New Hampshire, we need to support divestment resolutions at UC San Diego (and UC Berkely)  http://www.ucsddivestforpeace.org/ AND http://www.caldivestfromapartheid.com/
Please sign a petition here in support of the new UC San Diego bill:
Please send your letters of support to UCSD's student senators, contact info here:

 Action: Support the Free Gaza ship flotilla bringing needed aid to Gaza to break the inhumane siege http://www.youtube.com/gazafriends#p/a/u/0/yz-LYXV6_t0

Join us: Conference “Sumud and the Wall conference, Bethlehem University”, Furno Hall, Friday April 30: 9:00 – 18:00 and Saturday May 1: 9:00 – 18:00. Simultaneous translation English-Arabic
 An academic conference with 17 lectures organized around the following themes:
1. The Wall, space and violence, 2. Life near the Wall, 3. Activism and Sumud practices, 4. Towards Wall Studies. Program posted at: http://www.aeicenter.org/aei/archives/Activities/Sumud_and_the_Wall_conference_program2010.htm Registration: On site at the registration table near the Furno Hall.
 Fee: none, except for lunch costs. Please send us an email in advance whether you share the lunch.  
Organization: Oxford Brookes University (UK), Paris-Est University (France) and the Arab Educational Institute (AEI-Open Windows, Bethlehem), in cooperation with Al-Quds Open University, Bethlehem University (Department of Humanities) and Utrecht University (Center for Conflict Studies) as academic partners. The Arab Educational Institute is locally responsible for coordination. Information: info@aeicenter.org / 02-2777876

Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD
A Bedouin in Cyberspace, a villager at home
Popular Committee to Resist the Apartheid Wall and Settlements-Beit Sahour
Professor, Bethlehem and Birzeit Universities
Chairman of the Board, Palestinian Center for Rapprochement Between People, http://www.pcr.ps

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