Thursday, March 18

Telling the History of the Twenty-First Century as it Really Is

posted by Damien Lataan
There was a time until quite recently that the phrase ‘anti-Semitism’ or ‘anti-Semite’ quite rightly meant something very important.It denoted a very real racism that existed against Jews by others that felt that their race was superior simply by virtue of their birth and their own race. This racism culminated in the attempted destruction of European Jewry during the Second World War by some anti-Semitic Germans and other anti-Semitic Europeans. After the war some anti-Semitism persisted, mainly by white supremacist-style groups in Europe and America. The vast majority of people around the world, however, either ridiculed or regarded such people merely as fringe extremists and took little or no notice of them to the point that to be called an anti-Semite was considered insulting, in much the same way as being called a Nazi or a fascist today is for most people also insulting; a far cry from the 1920’s and 1930’s when it was considered almost fashionable to call oneself a fascist or a Nazi or even an anti-Semite. But after the war, and certainly by the 1970’s, the terms generally became derogatory.

But then things began to change. Zionists, those that had created the state of Israel at the expense of the Palestinian people, increasingly began to accuse people who objected to the way the Zionists were dealing with the Palestinians of being ‘anti-Semites’ in the hope that the stigma of being labelled an ‘anti-Semite’ would stop people from criticising the Zionists as they went about committing the exact same crimes against the Palestinians that were committed against them during the Second World War, and, to a certain extent, the fear of being labelled an anti-Semite worked and the world took little notice of how the Palestinian people were being treated.

By 2007, however, when Mearsheimer and Walt wrote their book, ‘The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy’, the use of the ‘anti-Semite’ smear was used again vigorously by Zionists anxious to deflect Mearsheimer and Walt’s assertions. But this time it didn’t work.

The world had woken up to the reality of Zionist barbarism as it witnessed the way the Zionists mercilessly bombarded innocent civilians and destroyed their homes in Lebanon on 2006 and then again in the Gaza Strip in 2008/2009. Zionist history became exposed. The dreadful massacres in the Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra and Shatilla under the auspices of the Israeli Zionists demonstrated to the world the real meaning of Zionism and discovered that Zionism was actually little better than Nazism. But the more this was pointed out to the Zionists, the more the Zionists screamed that to be anti-Zionist was to be anti-Semitic.

Even Jews that object to Zionism are now being labelled ‘anti-Semitic’. It’s got to the point where the label ‘anti-Semitic’ is now beginning to mean that one is merely ‘anti-Zionist’ but not a hater of Jews. As a result of this abuse of the label by Zionists, its credibility is rapidly diminishing and it won’t be too long before the term ‘anti-Semite’ becomes entirely meaningless and is given over to meaning only that one is an anti right-wing Zionist. Once the true meaning of the phrase ‘anti-Semite’ and ‘anti-Semitism’ has been forgotten, then it will be a matter of time before people once again call them selves ‘anti-Semites’ if they believe that it only means being anti-Zionist.

Zionism is a political ideology. It has nothing to do with race or Semitism. It has everything to do with creating a political empire at the expense of other peoples.

The Zionists abuse of the phrase ‘anti-Semite’ and ‘anti-Semitism’, in the end, makes them the real anti-Semites.

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