Israel never ceases to amaze. I have just read the most delusional piece of Israeli fantasy ever printed, and that’s saying something! The upcoming trail regarding the murder of Rachel Corrie has the Zionist Religious Fanatic Nut jobs in a dither, they are dragging out the smear brush to demonize Rachel and her Family, whilst polishing the "Chosen Ones Halo" (or should I say Horns!) of the IDF killer who ruthlessly murdered her. First, it’s all about the victim. No, not the real victim Rachel, but of course, poor little Israel: The city of Haifa is still recovering from the trauma of the summer of 2006, when it, along with the rest of northern Israel, was targeted by thousands of Katyusha rockets, fired from southern Lebanon by Hizbullah terrorists.And there’s the first piece of insanity, "still hasn’t "recovered" from 2006" Puhleeeeese………….If you want to talk about "not recovering" let’s talk about Rachel, or Tristan Anderson, or Tom Herndall, or the 1.5 million Palestian civilians under siege or400 dead children in GAZA! And then Israel informs us that Rachel Corrie was not a victim, but rather a "clueless" Terrorist, and her parents support terrorism and are described as the following: "A two-person anti-Israel propaganda SWAT team"And not only THAT, but it’s all Rachel’s fault she was killed, not the ignoramus bloodthirsty Zionist who drove the 49 TON Caterpillar killing machine right smack over her small body and murdered her. The IDF have a glowing love for their big 49 ton Ethnic Cleansing Killing machines. They even named them "Teddy Bear" and unfortunately for poor innocent Rachel, Israel ensured she received a big "Teddy Bear Hug" to remember." Let’s continue on with this Israeli fantasy: Did you know that it was not an IDF cowardly scumbag who killed Rachel, according to "Israel" it was the "Palestinians "who killed her. How is that you say? Why Israel has this all figured out: Corrie died after being taken away for care in a Palestinian medical facility, possibly from medical incompetence.And now more insults and smears to follow: Rachel Corrie, you may recall, was a clueless American-flag-burning undergraduate from Evergreen State College in Washington. Urged on by her radical professors, she decided to join the missions organized by the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). She and her comrades were sent off to the "occupied territories" to assist Palestinian terrorist groups.Gee that’s funny, I just read the ISM’s page here and found only references to "unarmed resistance and peaceful means" But hey, let’s not let the facts get in the way of Israel’s fantasy story. Now they go after her parents, after insinuating that Palestinians killed Rachel because they’re doctors are stupid. Never mind that many of those hospitals are staffed with doctors from around the world who are tops in their profession. Again, this merely illustrates the inherent racism Israel has towards Palestinians, That, and they will grasp at anything to get themselves off a murder charge: Corrie died after being taken away for care in a Palestinian medical facility, possibly from medical incompetence.Next yet another bit of racism pops out at you in the statement below, note that they felt it "necessary" to mention that the Corrie’s lawyer is an "Arab" gasp!! And as such, he’s automatically a "Radical Activist" this is Zio-Code meaning a terrorist supporter: The Corries are now suing the State of Israel and the Israel Defense Forces in Israeli court. They and their Arab lawyer, Hussein Abu Hussein, a radical activist involved in the movement for a world boycott of Israel, filed a civil suit in Haifa court and the first hearing is scheduled for March 10.And now they add all of us to the terrorist list, see below: The Corries are also suing the Caterpillar company because it sold the bulldozer to Israel that injured (note the word "injured" is used there instead of murdered) their daughter. They are trying to get terror supporters from around the world to boycott the Caterpillar company for the crime of selling bulldozers.Next up in the Smear job is another innocent victim killed by Israel, one British photographer Tom Herndall. It’s now his turn to be demonized: In one well publicized case, an ISM volunteer named Tom Hurndall from the UK was injured in the head while he was serving as a human shield for terrorists engaged in a firefight with IDF troops. Hurndall's family sued Israel in Israeli courtNotice that they didn’t say he was shot by an IDF soldier, which is the truth. Or that he was actually trying to save children who the IDF were shooting at? Or that he was wearing a BRIGHT orange vest (like the one Rachel was wearing when she was murdered) which signifies he was a foreigner and not to be shot at. Nor did they bother to mention that the cowardly murdering IDF soldier was convicted, and that Israel had to pay 1 Million to Herndall’s family, all that was conveniently left out. And they finish up with an actual letter of "Welcome" to Rachel’s family. If you ever had any doubts over the inhumanity of Israel this will vanish them forever. Imagine your child was murdered in another country, and the country sent you this letter below: Dear Mr. and Mrs. Corrie,Now, here is the TRUTH: ![]() |
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