Monday, March 15

If You Listen To These Guys: God Is really A Real Estate Agent

Jewish groups calls on non-Jews to immediately leave 'the land of Israel'
Extremist Jewish groups in Jerusalem have called upon the non-Jewish population of the city to leave what it calls 'the land of Israel'. In a statement distributed on the streets of Jerusalem, the extremist groups claimed that "it is written in the Bible that the land of Israel is a small land belonging to the Jewish people alone and it prohibits others to be accommodated there permanently".

The statement further asserts that it is "written in the book of the Prophets that because we did not implement the divine command, the Jewish people were expelled and remained outside the country for 2000 years. After the return of the Jewish people to Israel, it is time to implement this divine command. Therefore, we ask you to leave the land of Israel."

The statement cited both Quranic verses and text from the Torah and added: "to ensure peace in this land, we explain to you the biblical and Quranic verses." The statement finally concludes "After you have seen the heavenly words, and because Islam is a moral way, you have large countries where you can move and you will understand that we must fulfil what was written in the Torah. We suggest that you negotiate with Israel for compensation".
Jewish groups distributed a similar statement in Crow's Nest in Beit Sahour, a few weeks ago.

Source: Maan

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