Wednesday, March 17

Abe Foxman’s League of Extraordinary Hypocrites

Keith Johnson

Did you hear about Abe Foxman’s racist tirade? Get a load of this: “We are shocked and stunned at the Administration’s tone and public dressing down of Israel,” Anti-Defamation League director Abraham Foxman said in a statement. “We cannot remember an instance when such harsh language was directed at a friend and ally of the United States.” This was his response to Vice President Joe Biden’s condemnation of Israel’s plan to construct 1,600 more homes for Jewish settlers in disputed East Jerusalem.Have you ever heard such racism directed at the administration of our first black President?  My God, he practically called him the N-word.  Maybe he forgot to read the opening paragraph of his own report entitled “Rage Grows in America” which states “Since the election of Barack Obama as president, a current of anti-government hostility has swept across the United States, creating a climate of fervor and activism with manifestations ranging from incivility in public forums to acts of intimidation and violence.” 
Looks like dishonest Abe is guilty of the very same anti-Obama rhetoric that he levels against members of the Tea Party movement, “Birthers”, and so-called conspiracy theorists.

Hasn’t he been watching the news?  Does he not know that all criticism of the Obama administration stems from a deep-seated anger and hatred of blacks? Perhaps he needs to be reminded of the accusations of the mentally ill actress Jeanine Garofalo who, during an interview with MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann, hatefully described town hall protestors as racist rednecks who hate black people. Or how about former president Jimmy Carter who stated that criticism of Barack Obama shows that there is an “inherent feeling” in America that a black man should not be President.

So what are we to think?  Does Abe Foxman pose a threat to Obama and his administration?  Far be it from me to level those charges.  But if we are to believe the latest report issued by the Simon Weisenthall Center that equates those who question the government as racists and terrorists then I suppose we would be justified in coming to that conclusion.

But I guess everybody is a terrorist these days, aren’t they?  Simply standing in the vicinity of someone espousing radical viewpoints is enough for someone to level the” guilty by association” charge at you.  If someone visits your website and posts racist rants or attends your Tea Party function flying a Nazi flag, that is enough evidence for some to accuse you of sharing the same brain.  Well, using that same criteria, I suppose we can level the same accusations right back at the ADL and Abe Foxman for their association with known racists and criminals. Consider this page from the ADL website:

It is an article by former Orange County (California) Sheriff Michael S. Carona.  There is a flattering biography at the end of the page that exalts his achievements and concludes by stating:

In 2002 he was appointed by President George W. Bush to serve on the Emergency Response Senior Advisory Committee for the Homeland Security Council. Reporting to Director of Homeland Security Tom Ridge, Sheriff Carona is one of only fifteen members from the United States and is the only Sheriff on the Committee.

What they don’t tell you is that this disgraced, racist scumbag is now a convicted felon (see here) who is staring down a five-year prison sentence for witness tampering.  What they don’t tell you is that this former Bush appointee is on secret FBI recordings using the word “n_gger” repeatedly and dubbing his penis as “The Little Sheriff”.  And that’s not the only corrupt, racist ex-cop whom Foxman has ties.  Tim Carroll, a former San Diego Sheriff’s detective was once in charge of security for the ADL’s annual convention.  This is a guy who is on record for stating that he would like to see “all illegal aliens shot” and “all the n_ ggers sent back to Africa on a banana boat.” So, Mr. Foxman, if you would have us believe that you are known by the company you keep, then am I to assume that you too are a racist bigot?  I’m sure you would deny the accusation.  But don’t try to deny the fact that racism is something that can be found to exist in every single ethnic group in America—even your own.  Want proof?  Try these racist rantings on for size…

“Obama deserves to get shot!”
“White power! F_ck the N_ ggers!”
“We’re coming for you, Obama!”

Are these the declarations of white Christian Americans dissatisfied by Obama policies?  NO!  These are the hate-fueled anti-Obama slurs propagated by American Jews visiting Jerusalem in June 2009.
Don’t believe me?  See for yourself.  The following link will take you to Max Blumenthal’s video entitled  

“Feeling the Hate in Jerusalem”:
But don’t pay any attention to those remarks Mr. And Mrs. law enforcement. You wouldn’t want to be accused of being an anti-Semite, would you? Besides,  you’ve got more important fish to fry;  like that soccer mom who lost her son in Iraq.  You know, that woman hoisting a big sign that says “No More Wars for Israel”.  That thing could be a dangerous weapon if not handled properly.  It’s got very pointy corners and just might put someone’s eye out.

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