Friday, February 12

Exciting New Resources for Action!

If Americans Knew

We're excited to announce the launch of
the new Work for Justice Section of our website and
our new downloadable Toolbar for your web browser!

Action section of If Americans Knew site
The most frequent question asked by people when they become aware of the tragedy in Palestine, and our role as Americans in perpetuating this conflict, is "What can I do to help bring this crisis to an end in a just way?

Our Work for Justice Section is our attempt to provide a thorough answer to this question. Here we provide numerous ideas of actions individuals or groups can undertake, advice on how to effectively distribute materials and put on educational events, and a blog where we will list the latest action alerts.

Our customizable Toolbar, which can be added to your internet browser, will allow you to stay on top of news, action alerts, and more from If Americans Knew. We highly recommend that you download it today.

Please visit this section often and send the links on to others!

Quick Links
Call for NY Times Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner to be moved to a different news beat due to his conflict of interest (the fact that his son just joined Israel's military).
Take Action!

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