Thursday, February 4

Another Victim of American Terrorism!

“Something very bad happened to Aafia Siddiqui.”

– defense counsel Linda Moreno, in Monday's closing arguments

The whole thrust of the government’s closing argument against Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, yesterday, was simple: Dr. Siddiqui picked up a M4 rifle and attempted to kill a number of U.S. personnel (FBI and military), in Ghazni, Afghanistan in July 2008.

The heart of the defense’s closing argument was simple as well: There were no bullet holes in the room that matched the caliber of the M4 rifle; no M4 shell casings were found anywhere in the room where the alleged crime took place; no gunshot residue was found on the curtain that Aafia allegedly fired the gun from behind; Aafia’s fingerprints were not found on the weapon; and only Aafia ended up being shot and seriously wounded on that fateful day.

In short, there was no physical evidence whatsoever to support the government’s claims, while there was a mountain of inconsistency in testimony presented by the government’s own witnesses! As I noted in a couple of interviews after exiting the courthouse yesterday, this case against Dr. Aafia Siddiqui will test the power of [malicious] propaganda, and the politics of fear. Why? Because the FACTS (which are in Aafia’s favor) speak for themselves.

Government witnesses in this case reminded me of the many cases that I’ve weighed into in the past involving police brutality (especially where the brutality resulted in the wrongful death of a citizen). I was reminded of the unofficial doctrine of the “thin blue line” (the us against them mentality) within police ranks - which insures the protection of that criminal element that I believe is present within every large, and many small, police departments throughout the U.S.

I sincerely believe that the same corrosive mindset is at work in this particular case. Persons who committed a deadly offense against an innocent woman entered into a conspiracy to cover their asses; and they have the full weight of one of the most power countries in modern history to back them up.

“Something very bad” did indeed happen to Aafia Siddiqui. This young mother, daughter, sister, and committed Muslim became a victim of American Terrorism!

The case is now before the jury. Please keep Aafia Siddiqui in your prayers.

El-Hajj Mauri’ Saalakhan

Some closing thoughts: After exiting the courthouse yesterday (before doing the interviews), I was met with a very pleasant surprise. Br. Shahid Comrade, of Pakistan – USA Freedom Forum, called me over and said he wanted me to speak to someone over the phone. That someone was Dr. Fauzia Siddiqui (Aafia’s sister). We had about 10 minutes of warm conversation. She thanked me for the work, and particularly the writing, that we’ve been doing around her sister’s case; and I asked her how she and other members of her family in Pakistan were holding up.

Although I never met her, I have a special affection for this sister for having the courage and determination to challenge fear and be that strong voice on the home front for her beleaguered sister (and family). I know it hasn’t been easy. There were overt threats hanging over the head of this family in Pakistan for many years; and I feel certain that an atmosphere of intimidation still exists in parts of Pakistan.

Fauzia informed me that Ahmed asks about his mother often; he misses her and hungers to be re-united. It is also my understanding that he is still not in school, primarily due to the psychic and social instability that still surrounds and emanates from this troubling case. Please keep this family in your prayers as well; and make a special du’a for Aafia’s mother, who’s been struggling with health related challenges.

May ALLAH (SWT) fortify them all! Ameen.

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