Wednesday, January 20

Today in Palestine! ~January 20, 2010 ~

Shadi Fadda brings us today's headlines relating to Palestine and other news from around the internet.

Land Theft and Property Destruction
IOA demolishes Jerusalemite home without prior notice
The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) razed on Tuesday the home of Hasan Ka'abne in the southern area of Juba'a village to the northwest of occupied Jerusalem without prior notice.

Activism/Solidarity/Boycott,Sanctions and Divestment
ACTION ALERT: US Groups Demand that Israel End Crackdown on Palestinian Protesters
Adalah-NY Press Release "Protests and Boycotts Targeting Illegal Israeli Policies Must Not be Criminalized"

Left warns against global boycott over Ariel
Leftist members of Knesset and Arab parties protest defense minister's decision first published in Ynet to recognize Ariel College as university. Meretz chairman: Hard to find differences between Barak and Netanyahu. Initiative also advocates establishing university in Nazareth.,7340,L-3837274,00.html

I am the Resistance

Israeli tanks open fire at residential areas in southern Gaza Strip
Israeli tanks opened fire on Tuesday midday at residents' homes located in the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah. Local sources reported that tanks stationed at the southern Israeli-Gaza boarders shelled homes located in the eastern part of Rafah city. A number of homes sustained damage, but no injuries were reported. Witnesses said that the shelling caused a case of panic among the residents. Eight Palestinians, among them one child, were reported dead last week in the Gaza Strip because of the continued Israeli siege and attacks. Israel placed Gaza under total siege in June 2007.

Local: Settlers attack cemetery in West Bank village
Nablus – Ma’an – Israeli settlers attacked a cemetery on Wednesday in the Orta Village, southeast of Nablus, and vandalized graves, officials said. Ghassan Doghlas, official for the settlement file in the West Bank, said additionally that Israeli settlers broke the gate to the village school and left graffiti on the walls.

CPT: At-Tuwani Incident Report for December 2009
Summary: December 2009 was marked by invasions of Palestinian villages in the area by Israeli occupation forces, continued denial of the right of Palestinian children to access education, and consistent rejection of Palestinian owners’ rights to cultivate or graze sheep on their land. Despite the invasions, challenges faced in accessing education, and obstacles to cultivating the land, Palestinians in the At-Tuwani area continued to organize local marches, plowing actions, and joined in nonviolent actions with other Palestinian communities committed to nonviolent resistance to the Israeli occupation.

Israeli forces raid homes in Hebron
Hebron – Ma’an – Israeli forces raided overnight on Tuesday a number of homes in the Ras Al-Jora neighborhood of Hebron, according to Palestinian Authority security sources. Five homes belonging to the Al-Haimuni family were stormed and thoroughly searched, the sources said.

PPS: “More Sick Detainees In Deteriorating Conditions”
A lawyer of the Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) visited a number of sick detainees imprisoned by Israel at a number of detention facilities, and stated that there is an increasing number of detainees who need medical attention but are deprived from this internationally guaranteed right.

Qaraqi: Case of Palestinian prisoners to be taken to the Hague
Bethlehem – Ma’an – Palestinian Minister of Prisoners and ex-Detainees’ Affairs Issa Qaraqi announced on Wednesday that a professional committee has been established to prepare the case of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails to be taken to the International Criminal Court at the Hague.

Humanitarian Issues/Human Rights/War Crimes
Gaza blockade 'threat to health'
The UN and aid agencies warn that the Israeli-Egyptian blockade of Gaza is putting the Strip's residents' health at risk.

Amira Hass / Israel blocking NGO efforts with tourist visas
The Interior Ministry has stopped granting work permits to foreign nationals working in most international nongovernmental organizations operating in the Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem, Haaretz has learned.

Changing Israeli Visa Regime for Humanitarian Workers
International staff of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) working in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) have, until now, been provided B1 visas by the Government of Israel in its role as the occupying power. A B1 visa is a work permit—usually multiple entry and issued for one year—that allows its holder to legally work in areas controlled by Israel, both in the occupied territory and in Israel proper.

Israeli Minister claims Israel provides Palestinians “more than enough water”
On Monday Israel's National Infrastructure Minister Uzi Landau told a meeting of German Ministers that Israel gives the Palestinians more than they are required to by treaties. But the Palestinian Authority's Water Board says that this statement is an outright lie. Palestinians control only 14% of their water and last year received only 90MCM from the 118 MCM allotted by Oslo Article 40. Even the 118 MCM are nowhere near what is needed for the population.

Gaza Residents Donate to Haiti Relief Effort
Aid contributions for Haiti continue to pour in from around the world. On Sunday, a group of Palestinians in Gaza offered to send donations. Jamal Al-Khudari of the Committee Against the Siege on Gaza: “We are sending donations, because, as Palestinian people, we suffered a lot, and we, the Palestinian people, feel more than other people of the world with the suffering of the people in Haiti. We suffer a lot, and we feel their suffering. That is why we decided to donate from the center of suffering, from the besieged Gaza.”

New videotape on Israeli soldiers torturing and stealing human organs disclosed
The popular movement for the support of prisoners unveiled a videotape explaining how Israeli soldiers in 1988 tortured a Palestinian Christian young man before harvesting his body parts.

Israel’s war on Gaza verges on genocide, says British Jewish leader
“The West, United States and Britain in particular, are to be blamed for the misery of Palestinians. The world has so far shared very little positive progress in helping relieve the Palestinians from the Zionist crimes.”

The Cost of War - Part 1
The Cost of War examines the longer term legacy of Israel's war on Gaza. By following characters associated with buildings that were targeted in the war, the film explores the humanitarian and economic situation in Gaza and the impact of the war on human development. How has the destruction of universities and schools impacted education? And what about hospitals, clinics, electricity grids, sewage works?

The Cost of War - Part 2
The Cost of War examines the longer term legacy of Israel's war on Gaza. By following characters associated with buildings that were targeted in the war, the film explores the humanitarian and economic situation in Gaza and the impact of the war on human development. How has the destruction of universities and schools impacted education? And what about hospitals, clinics, electricity grids, sewage works?

From the Belly of the Beast: An Inside look into the Israeli Justice System
Written by Tali Shapiro Pulse Media "Already 70 activists have been wrongfully arrested during the weekly protests in Sheikh Jarrah, under the charges that we riot, conduct unlicensed demonstrations and assault officers."

Politics and Diplomacy
Fayyad is attempting to make Fatah weak, movement's officials say
Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad's government has been working to weaken Fatah by drying up its financial resources and isolating it in the political and security fields, Fatah officials said on Tuesday.

E.U, P.A, Sign €158.5 Million Financing Agreement
Palestinian Authority (P.A) and the European Union signed on Tuesday a €158.5 million Financing Agreement, including €0.5 Million in contribution from Austria, to the P.A’s recurrent expenditures for 2010.

Yediot: FM charges diplomats smuggling cash into Gaza; promises intensive searches of cars at Erez
Israeli officials suspect that representatives of international organizations used their cars to bring millions of dollars into the Gaza Strip, taking advantage of their immunity. As a result, a decision has been made to intensify law enforcement regarding money laundering at the Erez border crossing in order to prevent the massive transfer of large amounts of cash to Gaza.

Report: Sarkozy promises to 'rein in' Israel
French President Nicolas Sarkozy promised Lebanese President Michel Suleiman that he would help "rein in Israel," according to a report Wednesday in the London-based Arabic-language daily Asharq Al-Awsat.

Obama's lost senate seat is a victory for Netanyahu
The Republican upset in the race for the U.S. Senate seat held for nearly half a century by liberal Edward M. Kennedy reflects a huge victory for opponents of U.S. President Barack Obama - and also for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Israel to lavish Nauru, Micronesia leaders
Presidents Stephen, Mori to meet top Israeli officials, including Netanyahu and Lieberman, then relax at Dead Sea spa.,7340,L-3837275,00.html

Other News
Gaza war: Palestinians battle bitterly over Palestinian forces' conduct
One year after the Gaza war, 11 Palestinian rights groups came together to ask leaders of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority to investigate the conduct of Palestinian forces during the war.

Detained American journalist leaves Israel (AP)
AP - An American journalist working for a Palestinian news agency voluntarily left Israel on Wednesday after being detained for a week and risking deportation, his lawyer said.*

Israeli Arab MK urges OECD: Reject Israel over discrimination
Israeli Arab MK Ahmed Tibi on Tuesday urged the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development to reject Israel's request for membership, saying state-led discrimination against the Arab sector ran counter to the group's regulations.

British university invites Hamas supporter to address students
The University of Birmingham in England has invited Dr. Azzam Tamimi, a Palestinian-born academic and fervent Hamas supporter, to give a talk at the university, the Birmingham Post reported on Wednesday.

Vatican memo: Mideast conflict driving Christians out of region
A Vatican document released Tuesday blamed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the occupying of lands for fomenting most of the conflicts in the Middle East, driving Christians out and making life difficult for those who remain.

U.S. indicts three Israelis in international bribery case
The United States Justice Department indicted three Israeli businessmen Tuesday for allegedly attempting to bribe the defense minister of an African country in order to secure a multimillion-dollar contract to supply his country with military equipment. 19 other businessmen were indicted in the same case.

Analysis/Op-ed/Human Interest
Egypt: Why key US ally in Mideast peace is weaker
While Egypt’s pressure on Hamas has backed the Islamist movement into a corner, it has also inflamed Palestinian anger by doing so – and thus weakened Egypt’s power as a regional negotiator.

Criminal Complicity of a Senile Leadership

The autocratic regime of Egyptian leader Mubarak is more and more overtly complicit in aiding and abetting the inhumane strangulation and criminal blockade of the Gaza strip. It has used all kinds of phony pretexts to prevent international aid from reaching Gaza. Under the preposterous disguise of “national security” and “state sovereignty”, it has invented new measures aimed at further tightening Israel’s illegal embargo of the territory, thus contributing to the suffering of an already gravely battered population. Moreover, the Egyptian regime has continuously stoked up the chauvinistic sentiments of its populace in order to further its criminal policies and, more insidiously, disguise its failures of leadership and lack of political legitimacy.

Anticipating Israeli response, Dershowitz blames ‘disturbing narratives’ from Gaza– atrocities– on ‘rogue soldiers’, Philip Weiss
The Israeli response to the Goldstone report is due soon, and Adam predicted lately that it will blame some atrocities on "bad apples." I think he’s got it. For the defense is borne out by Alan Dershowitz’s draft response to the Goldstone report that he has circulated to colleagues, and that has now been widely shared on the internet.

Gaza in Plain Language
In articles acknowledging the one year anniversary of the assault on Gaza, blunt and unsparing language about what really happened is often avoided. Despite sympathy for and support of the Palestinian people in their struggle against dispossession and oppression, the description of what took place in January 2009 is sometimes buffered by a misguided sense of political correctness. Yes, it’s terrible. Yes, it is unjust. But we don’t want to be inflammatory or risk offending the sensitivities of those who through their own willful ignorance cling to the notion that Israel is a victim state, fighting for its very survival. The argument is that we should reach out to them and attempt to educate them and win them over.

A U.S. charade in peace effort

The Palestinian national struggle continues to be largely ignored by the Obama administration. Our new president has failed to bring a new approach. As has been the case for the last 40 years, Palestinian attempts to settle the conflict through diplomacy are ignored or downplayed. When violence erupts, Palestinians are blamed and labeled terrorists. The United States maintains the charade that peace in Israel/Palestine is a priority and every new administration promises to bring the much-promised peace to the region only to fall into the same pattern of inaction and excuse-making. Israel and the U.S. are pursuing a course seemingly calculated to reduce Palestinians to a state of hopelessness. Gaza remains under siege even though it has no army, no air force, and no navy. It has no tanks, planes, or helicopters. Gaza has no anti-aircraft or anti-tank missiles, no warning systems, and no refuge in which its 1.5 million civilians (including 800,000 children) can hide when the attacks by Israel commence.

Neverland: A Place Called Palestine
Her name meant lively. And from the way her grandson spoke about her, she was in nature as in name. Aisha, full of life. She lived in a beautiful villa on the sea. She was friendly, passionate and generous, like most Palestinians. And proud of her hometown, like most Yafans. When Jewish refugees rolled in from war-torn Europe in the forties, Palestinians took them into their homes. Aisha took in a teenaged girl, gave her a room, and made her part of their family. In 1948, when Jewish terrorist gangs attacked Yafa and started to round up the people, killing and throwing them out of their homes, Aisha refused to leave her beloved home. But the Jewish girl who lived for years in her home put a gun to Aisha’s head and forced her out of the house. Aisha screamed, “What are you doing?! I gave you my home! I gave you my family! And this is what you do?!”

Israel, Facing the Looking Glass, George S. Hishmeh
The row that took place recently between Israel and Turkey when the Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon undiplomatically “rebuked” the Turkish ambassador to Israel during a humiliating encounter over a Turkish television program critical of Israel reminds me of the saying, “The (black Israeli) pot calls the (shiny Turkish) kettle black.”

Suicide car bomb wounds 30 in northern Iraq (AFP)
AFP - A suicide car bomber targeted an Iraqi army base in the northern city of Mosul on Wednesday, wounding at least 30 people, including 20 members of the security forces, a military official said.*

Five killed as death squads return to Baghdad
Masked gunmen walked into the office of a charitable foundation in a Sunni part of central Baghdad and executed five employees.

Banned Iraq vote candidates had Saddam links: official (AFP)
AFP - More than 500 candidates banned from running in Iraq's March 7 general election were on Tuesday accused of being part of ousted dictator Saddam Hussein's political and military infrastructure.*

Baha Mousa inquiry: Soldier disgusted by officer's assault on Iraqi prisoner

Witness alleges officer in regiment that held Baha Mousa punched separate detainee in front of 100 army personnel. A former British soldier said today he had been disgusted after witnessing the "brutality" of a senior officer towards a prisoner in Iraq. In evidence to an inquiry into the death of Baha Mousa, the soldier alleged that his commanding officer at the time, Colonel Jorge Mendonca, punched the man in the side of the face in front of more than 100 army personnel after a raid on a derelict building.

Lebanon tightens control over Palestinian refugee camps
NAHR AL-BARED, Lebanon (IPS) - Recent inter-factional clashes in Lebanon's Ein al-Hilwe refugee camp once more illustrated the fragile security situation in some of its Palestinian camps. Lebanese plans to take over security within the camps are rejected by the Palestinians. Ein al-Hilwe and other refugee camps are home to various Palestinian nationalist groups, but also host different Islamist forces that the Lebanese government considers a threat to the state's security and stability.

Nasrallah thanks Bahraini group for its 'support'
Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah met Tuesday with visiting Secretary General of the Bahraini Accord Association, Sheikh Ali Selman, heading a delegation which took part in the Arab International Forum in Support of the Resistance in Beirut. Nasrallah thanked the visiting delegation for their "valuable support" to the Resistance.

Sleiman voices Lebanon's support for Iraq
President Michel Sleiman stressed Tuesday the importance of promoting cooperation between Lebanon and Iraq given political alliances between Iraqi sects based on national coexistence and consensual democracy similarly to the successful Lebanese experience. During talks with head of Islamic Higher Iraqi Council Sayyed Ammar al-Hakim.

Other World News
Arab American Facing Deportation, Separation From Family
DEARBORN,Mich--A Hamtramck man who's been in the U.S. for 27 years is set to be deported next week unless a U.S. Congressman intervenes. Anees Sous, originally from the West Bank, came to the U.S. on a student visa in 1982 to attend Wayne State University. Though his visa has long been expired, he stayed in the country, raised six U.S.-born children and started a business. He was detained by immigration authorities in 2001 and released on $10,000 bond. His lawyers have since exhausted every avenue of trying to keep him in the country long enough to establish permanent status, but courts have denied his appeals, forcing him to prepare to leave his wife, home, trucking company and six children, ages 7 to 20, behind. Sous has purchased a Jan. 20 plane ticket to Jordan to fulfill his deportation order. He's unsure what he'll do there or how he'll be treated by Jordanian authorities. "The worst thing, really, is that my wife, my kids are here. It's the middle of the school year. It's a mess," Sous said.

Juan Cole: Top Ten Counter-Terrorism Scandals 2010

The entire premise of combating al-Qaeda as though it were an enemy army, using the Pentagon as the lead agency, while simultaneously militarizing the CIA, needs to be questioned.

Obama's Middle East review
As Barack Obama finishes his first year in the White House, one of his biggest foreign challenges continues to be the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Al Jazeera's Jacky Rowland travelled to both sides of the divide to meet two restaurant managers who were admirers of Obama when he first took office. [January 20, 2010]

US continues to look the other way on 'war on terror' abuses
"A commitment to human rights starts with universal standards and with holding everyone accountable to those standards, including ourselves… When injustice anywhere is ignored, justice everywhere is denied. Acknowledging and remedying mistakes does not make us weaker, it reaffirms the strengths of our principles and institutions."

Zvi Bar'el / Egypt riled by Syria's increasing role in the region
What happened to the reconciliation between Syria and Egypt supposedly in the works? There had been widespread speculation in the Arab media in anticipation of the Syrian-Saudi summit meeting last Wednesday, that the Egyptian president would go to Riyadh for the Syrian-Saudi summit meeting last Wednesday, to ease the four years of bad blood (starting from the Second Lebanon War) between the two.

The Muslim Brotherhood: new leadership, old politics | Fawas Gerges
There is no better way to take the temperature of Arab politics than to examine the state of the Muslim Brotherhood, the most powerful religiously-organised opposition movement in Egypt and the Arab world. With branches in several Arab and Muslim countries, the Brotherhood portrays itself as a more authentic, viable alternative to secular authoritarian rulers and religious extremists of the al-Qaida variety.

"Haiti is Shaken to the Core": Amy Goodman Reports from Port-au-Prince
“Haiti is devastated as if a bomb, many bombs, exploded throughout Port-au-Prince and beyond, where help has not arrived at all,” reports Amy Goodman on her travels outside of Port-au-Prince to the epicenter of the earthquake. “The smell of death hangs in the air.”

"Haiti is Like Gaza": Sharif Abdel Kouddous on Haiti a Week After the Earthquake
Sharif reports Haitians are growing increasingly frustrated by how the United Nations is working with survivors of the earthquake. “They’re not interacting with people in the community,” he said. “They’re not interacting with people who can distribute aid effectively in the neighborhoods around Port-au-Prince.”

Actor and Activist Danny Glover on Legacy of US-Haitian Relations Dating Back to 1804
Danny Glover is an acclaimed actor, director, producer and longtime friend of Haiti. His directorial debut, Toussaint, focused on the life of François-Dominique Toussaint Louverture, a former slave who became one of the fathers of Haiti’s independence from France in 1804. [includes rush transcript–partial]

Pennies for Haiti, Billions for Israel, Egypt
Consider this: in fiscal 1998 Haiti received $106 million from the U.S, the No. 9 nation among foreign aid recipients. - Compare that to the more than $5 billion paid out to Israel and Egypt.

The Zionization of Disaster Relief
Didn’t know there was anything particularly Zionist about providing disaster relief? You learn something new every day. This is a story of exploiting the suffering of poor, defenseless Haitians on behalf of Israeli triumphalism. Sol Salbe translated an eye-opening column from Yediot by an Israeli doctor who was an integral member of all Israeli international disaster response teams until recently. Then he made the mistake of writing a mildly critical statement about Israeli disaster relief efforts. As a result, he was relieved of his obligation for further IDF service and further participation in the disaster relief program. The op ed is so revealing (and not yet available online in English) I’m going to quote large sections. An explanatory note–at Israel’s Haiti field hospital, they delivered what the Israeli PR flacks called “the first baby since the earthquake.” The medical staff urged the woman to name her baby “Israel” and she was only to eager to oblige. Another Israeli PR coup!

Frost over the World - HH Sheikha Mozah
Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned, the consort of the Emir of Qatar, is chairperson of the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development. In a wide-ranging interview with Sir David in Doha, she begins by talking about Al Fakhura, the campaign she set up to protect and restore education in Gaza. Also on this week's Frost, are Frederick Forsyth, the British author and Eurosceptic, oscar-winning film director Quentin Tarantino, and the Iranian Nobel Peace Laureate and lawyer, Shirin Ebadi.

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