Friday, January 22

Genocide for Gaza by Michael Hall

Michael Hall shares with us his a poem on Gaza!

Genocide for Gaza

A mandate expired and all hell broke loose

instead of a free and fair election from water to water

a minority gunned itself into a nation and then tried to steal the rest of it

such a waste and wrong in the tired and terrorized holy land

Over 60 years ago they had war in this place

villages burned,too many died, it was nakba

a multitude fled to Gaza for safety with their backs to the sea

and then found they couldn't go home when peace eventually came

Gaza, O Gaza

Why were you filled to bursting

Gaza, O Gaza who are all these sad refugees

Gaza O Gaza will you ever be free

After the war was over

of course all the folks of diaspora wanted to go home

but the Jews walled them in and said; you must stay for we've stolen your homes

This is our land and not yours no longer, in the cesspool you must endure forever

Your land is now our land and we want it all

Your towns are deserted and destroyed

you have no more home but this open air prison

and over in the West Bank you are militarily-occupied, militarility-ruled and militarily-squeezed

Gaza, O Gaza

Why can't you leave

Gaza, O Gaza
year after year your imprisoned for being Palestinian

Against all the written law and principles in the world

In conflict with morality, ethics and a loving God

the people of Gaza suffer in a medieval Gulag stuffed over a million strong in 139 square miles

Forgotten children by their Arab brothers next door who are paid to build another wall

Bombed,and shot at by tanks,snipers, soldiers, airplanes,helicopters and drones

just the other day 3 Gazans were murdered by the IOF because they were collecting scrap metal to sell

And today 1 more was assassinated and they called him a militant because he was thinking of complaining

Gaza, O Gaza

i scream my heart and soul for thee

Gaza O Gaza

so many have seen your plight and try to break the siege

Convoys of medicine and food come s to the checkpoints

but the Egyptians and Israelis try to stop the aid

obama! your silence is acquiesce and a betrayal, in America too much ignorance,

where are the Arab brothers, building skyscrapers and counting their American dollars,quiet as mice

the Israelis wash their hands and then look the other way

swept under the rug the MSM pretends its just a movie

1.5 million starving refugees in 139 miles is a war crime, a catastrophe,a crime against humanity

And God-willing there will be a reckoning

This is Nanjing

This is Dachau

This is Leningrad

This is Guantanamo

This is Abu Ghraib

This is a Gulag

This is Attica

This is Alcatraz

This is racism,elitism and jingoism

This is ethnic cleansing, slow deliberate genocide,punishment and humiliation

These are assassinations,murders,kidnappings and an iniquity that smells to heaven world-wide

This is the greatest crime committed against Innocent people in the world today

Hanthala is watching watching watching it all

while the koopoe is downed but not broken

as a slew of black ravens and a black owl circle the IOF shrieking lustfully in rapture of their odious joy

gorged and bloated from the feast of the Innocent

Where is King Saud and The King of Jordon And the Syrian Prince so quiet in their complicit acquiescence

Where are the Arab people so many but so so very silent?

Why the white-wash for the injustice that does not decrease but gets worse every day

it calls on anyone,everyone who believes in freedom,democracy,human rights and equality to shout outrage

Why no economic boycott like what was done to the racist, apartheid state; South Africa back in the 70's?

Why is Egypt allowed to build a wall and then announce no more aid convoys to Gaza

Where is the protest out in the streets

Why haven't the newspapers picked up the story and run with it

Gaza, Oh Gaza you suffer so

i dream of the day when you fish outside the harbor

i work for the day your walls come down with a crash heard round the world

i see you all running to your homes in Palestine with keys held high

Like kites in the blue sky i see you all flying high laughing and singing in your freedom

As this day will come one day

O Gaza, the ancestors of Dachau will one day apologize and beg for your forgiveness

and a child in Palestine born will be free...

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