Wednesday, January 27

6th Annual Israeli Apartheid Week

- 6th Annual Israeli Apartheid Week
- Israeli Apartheid Video Contest
- PACBI - 2009 BDS Campaign Year In Review

The Sixth Annual Israeli Apartheid Week
Solidarity in Action: Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions
March 2010

Mark your calendars - the 6th Annual Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) will take place across the globe from from the 1st to the 14th of March 2010! Since it was first launched in 2005, IAW has grown to become one of the most important global events in the Palestine solidarity calendar. Last year, more than 40 cities around the world participated in the week's
activities, which took place in the wake of Israel's brutal assault against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. IAW continues to grow with new cities joining this year.

IAW 2010 takes place following a year of incredible successes for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement on the global level. Lectures, films, and actions will highlight some of theses successes along with the many injustices that continue to make BDS so crucial in the battle to end Israeli Apartheid. Speakers and full programme available soon at

If you are planning to organize IAW in your city in 2010, please contact:

Israeli Apartheid Video Contest

Put your ideas and convictions on film! in partnership with Stop the Wall announce the first international
**Israeli Apartheid Video Contest**

As part of the colonial conflict in Palestine, Israel has instituted a policy of apartheid that separates Palestinians from Israelis and Palestinians from each other, creating an oppressive and racially discriminatory system. It denies basic Palestinian rights to land, education, movement, and housing while devastating the economy, trying to undermine civil society, and forcing continuous displacement upon the majority of Palestinians.
You are invited to submit short [less than 5 minutes] videos on the theme of "Israeli Apartheid."

Videos should reflect the nature, realities, and/or consequences of the apartheid policy in Israel, in the occupied West Bank and Gaza and against Palestinian refugees in the diaspora.

For more, visit:

The contest is Co-Sponsored by: Badil, Code Pink, Friends of Sabeel North America, ICAHD-USA, and Unitarian-Universalists for Justice in the Middle East; AJJP Boston
Endorsers: MECA, Lajee Center, Al-Rowwad Center, and Al-Rowwad USA,Boston Palestinian Film Festival, ADC American-Arab Anti Discrimination Committee Massachusetts and the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network.

The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) has compiled a newsletter with most of the major BDS campaign successes for 2009.

A Preface to the report can be found at:

Download the full report at:

Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD
A Bedouin in Cyberspace, a villager at home

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