Wednesday, December 23

It is Christmas !!!
A Utopian-situation
drawn on the wall surrounding Bethlehem

It is Christmas
Bethlehem is surrounded by a Wall
Gaza breathes via its tunnels
Kabul drowns in its own corruption
Baghdad´s Green-Zone has also a Wall
while it breathes only corruption.

It is Christmas
30 Million poor-Americans get finally a health-insurance
while Israelis who do all already have health-care,
get 20 Billion Dollars promised for their deficit budgets.

It is Christmas
Jesus,Mary and Joseph are locked inside Bethlehem
they cannot take refuge in Egypt , neither
because Mubarak has closed the borders in Rafah.

It is Christmas ,
The Whitehouse has a White-Christmas with a Black-President.
Ramallah has a President who cannot even rule his open-air-prison.
Copenhagen has booked success only in its Hotels-occupancy .
Tony Blair and George Bush are still walking free.

It is Christmas !!.....rejoice!! rejoice!!
only Santa Klaus is happy....
and hopefuly...... you too !!

Raja Chemayel

Sherlock Hommos

Eng. Moustafa Roosenbloom

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