Sunday, November 1

Support Transparency & Accountability! Tell your Member of Congress to Oppose H.Res 867

Just last week, the Department of State affirmed that they had "serious concerns about what happened in Gaza" and that these allegations "which are very serious" should be "thoroughly investigated." Yet, H. Res. 867 directly challenges this clearly articulated U.S. position. Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) introduced a resolution last week "Calling on the President and the Secretary of State to oppose unequivocally any endorsement or further consideration of the 'Report of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict…'" Credible allegations of misconduct cannot be investigated if Congress deliberately sweeps this report under the rug.

Contact your Member of Congress today and tell them to oppose H. Res. 867 because it irresponsibly recommends a lack of accountability and transparency.

H. Res. 867 highlights what the State Department has called concerns about the "one sided" nature of the Goldstone report. Yet, the resolution itself is unbalanced. It ignores and fails to address the claims of the civilian population in Gaza and important questions raised by Israelis about their country's conduct in Gaza.

Tell your representative to oppose H. Res. 867 because Israelis and Palestinians have a right to answers!

H. Res. 867 is out of touch with the Administration's calls for a comprehensive investigation of "all credible allegations of misconduct" and with many organizations that are calling for impartial, independent and credible Israeli and Palestinian investigations. The Administration has repeatedly asked Israel and the Palestinians to address these very serious allegations, but H. Res. 867 defies this executive mandate head on.

H. Res. 867 is expected on the House floor next week and time is running out! Contact your representative today! Oppose H. Res. 867!

Background Reading:

Letter to Chairman Berman (D-CA) and Ranking Member Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) from Judge Goldstone regarding H. Res. 867. To read a copy of the letter please click here.


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