Saturday, October 17

The True Meaning Of The UN Veto

Desert Peace

To those nations that voted NO or abstained…..

Your UN Veto Endorses The Occupation

veto top

Results of the UN vote on the Goldstone Report….
25 Yes
6 No
11 Abstain

by country:

Argentina,Bahrain,Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, China, Cuba, Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Mauritius, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, South Africa, Zambia

Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Slovakia, Ukraine, USA

Belgium, Bosnia/Herzegovina, Cameroon, Gabon,Japan, Mexico, Rep of Korea, Slovenia, Norway, Uruguay

note that France, UK, Angola, Kyrgyzstan, and Madagascar did not vote (thanks Irish for the info)

In this particular case, the Veto was not necessarily against something….. but was in support of the following:

veto 1 The continued murder of innocent Palestinian children. Abir Aramin, our precious martyred Angel is just one of the hundreds of victims. Israel’s response in this case was the same as in all others…. NOTHING BUT LIES and COVERUPS.


It’s not only the children that are being slaughtered, it’s innocent mothers and the elderly. Usually for the ‘crime’ of protecting their children or their property.


Those that dare expose these veto4crimes to the world are either murdered or tortured. The press is ‘free’ in the Occupied Territories as long as what is written is approved by the ziocensors before publication….. otherwise they are silenced.


We must not forget about the illegal demolition of homes that were owned by Palestinians…. or the illegal evictions from these homes.


Lest we leave out the continued construction of the wall of apartheid which separates families, which divides the nation into bits and pieces.

I could go on indefinitely about crimes continually committed by the zionists, but I think I made my point thus far….


It’s not just the Goldstone Report that exposed the criminal activities of the zionists…. there were others who saw them first hand. These crimes have been documented…. they are FACT.


(Ben Heine © Cartoons)
Israel does not carry the blame alone for the carnage we see in Gaza today. The world is aware of what is happening and they choose to look the other way…

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is close by to hear it fall, was there a noise? YES!

If an entire segment of humanity is being brutally murdered and screams out for help and no one hears them, was there a cry for help? Again YES!

Gaza is dying slowly at the hands of the most brutal oppressor of this century and no one is listening to their cries for help… Has the world gone mad? Israel has committed crime after crime against the Palestinian people simply ‘because they can’…. have we reached a point where the world just doesn’t care any longer and allows them to continue? Sure, there were condemnations from the United Nations…. words…. NO ACTIONS.

The West has been silent… thereby giving total support to the genocide being carried out….


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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:31 am

    Thank you so much for the valuable information. The mainstream, mainly Zionist controlled or influenced media, doesn't even have the balls to publish the full voting record of the UNHRC over the Goldstone report.

    Shame on the Israeli government, and on Obama, Brown, Miliband and Sarkozy et al, for supporting the Zionists' War Crimes and Genocide.

    I just attended a talk by a well respected Amnesty International War Crimes Inspector, and he has told us (and I DO believe him and his eminent colleagues and their photographs) that they saw evidence of the horrific and totally illegal use of White Phosphorus THROUGHOUT Gaza during the Gaza Massacre.

    Both Obama and Brown, are sick beasts for backing the State Terrorism of the current Israeli Fascist regime. Thank God for the many moderate, humanitarian Israelis, International Jews and other INFORMED humanitarians around the world who have had the courage to speak out against the War Crimes.

    Netanyahu's defense of making cynical telephone calls and adverts to warn people they were about to be killed, maimed and burnt to a cinder with illegal weapons, simply doesn't wash - where did they have to flee? Most of Gaza was bombed and even "safe" houses or compounds were deliberately targetted bombed, including the house of Dr Abuelaish (killing his three daughters), UN buildings, Hospitals, Schools, Mosques, Churches, Ambulance and Fire Crews and Journalists. What arrogance! I think the world got a message from Netanyahu LOUD & CLEAR.

    Now we must act. Will we allow Netanyahu to create yet another wave of terrorists? So that he can impose more "security" and "counter terrorism" measures. We should be asking ourselves "who is causing the greatest terrorist atrocities against innocent civilians"? Is it the occasional suicide bombers (who whilst deplorable, have actually been driven mad by their GRIEF? Or could it just possibly be the far more sinister, sane and calculated acts of mass killing, maiming and burning with weapons of terror perpetrated by a demagogic government?

    I used to put my name on my reasonable, researched and honest comments, but since Israel tragically became a Totalitarian state, I'm now too scared to do so any longer.
