Monday, October 12

More info on Israeli organ harvesting plus more

Alison Weir has now uncovered additional information on Israeli organ trafficking and harvesting.

Following her CounterPunch article (, the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs asked Alison to write a piece for them. In researching the subject further she found even more somewhat explosive information on the topic, largely from Israeli media.

As a result, she has produced two new, fully footnoted articles -- a shorter one that is in the print edition of the November Washington Report and a longer version that is on their website:


...Scheper-Hughes unflinchingly honest in speaking about the Israeli connection:“Israel is at the top,” she states. “It has tentacles reaching out worldwide.”6
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... In her Forum 13 lecture Scheper-Hughes discussed the two motivations of Israeli traffickers. One was greed, she said. The other was somewhat chilling: “Revenge, restitution—reparation for the Holocaust.”
She described speaking with Israeli brokers who told her “it’s kind of ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. We’re going to get every single kidney and liver and heart that we can. The world owes it to us.’”
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... For many years the Israeli health system subsidized its citizens’ “transplant holidays,” ... In addition, Israel’s Ministry of Defense was directly involved.
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... “several other Palestinians gave a similar narrative, recounting how they received the bodies of their murdered relatives, mostly men in their early twenties, with vital organs taken away by the Israeli authorities.”
Israel has consistently characterized such accusations as “anti-Semitic,” and numerous other journalists have discounted them as exaggerations.
However, according to the pro-Israel Forward magazine, the truth of these charges was, in fact, confirmed by an Israeli governmental investigation a number of years ago. 
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... In 1996, Jewish Week reported that Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh, a leader of the Lubavitch sect of Judaism and the dean of a religious Jewish school in a West Bank settlement, stated: “If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that.” Ginzburgh elaborated: “Jewish life has infinite value. There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life.” [The Jewish Week, April 26, 1996, pp. 12, 31]
Still more news!

1. Alison has just returned from an extended speaking tour throughout Alaska at World Affairs Councils and other venues in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau and Homer, as well as appearing on several radio programs. Despite pressure brought by the Israeli government, AIPAC, and the chair of the Alaska Democratic Party, the presentations went forward successfully and were extremely well received by large and diverse audiences.

2. In addition we have continued to create and ship materials to groups all over the country and to maintain our website and our news blog --

3. Alison's CounterPunch article has now been translated into Spanish, French, and Italian --

4. Alison leaves on Monday for a speaking tour in Michigan. Her schedule is available at

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs

We urge people to subscribe to the Washington Report, founded by retired foreign service officers committed to getting the facts on Palestine and Israel out to the American public --

Also, the publishers will ship copies of the magazine to groups putting on events for distribution to audience members. You may contact them about this at (202) 939-6050 or .

Finally, the magazine also has a superb collection of books for sale at extremely reasonable prices
: An example is Donald Neff's valuable book FIFTY YEARS OF ISRAEL, available for just $4.

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