Thursday, October 8

Erekat blames other nations for UNHCR fiasco; may divert to UNSC

The countries that pressured Palestinian leadership to drop the chance for a decision on the Goldstone report on war crimes in Gaza at the Human Rights Council may be named by Chief Palestinian Negotiator Saeb Erekat.The member of the Palestinian Liberation Organization made a veiled threat to name what he called “the countries that said they would support the launch of negotiations without any preconditions, without stopping settlement,” during an exclusive interview Tuesday.

Erekat implied that the countries urging the PLO and the Palestinian Authority back to the peace negotiating table were also those who forced leaders to drop the chance to have Israel and Hamas militants tried for war crimes at the International Criminal Court for actions during Israel’s Operation Cast Lead which killed more than 1,400 Palestinians and nine Israelis.

“We will call these countries by name and we will not allow anyone to hide behind us from now on, Arabs or non-Arabs,” he said, “this [Goldstone] report can’t disappear from the world.”

Speaking with the Israeli press, Erekat went further and said "President Abbas is seriously studying the possibility of asking the Arab and Islamic bloc to officially take the Goldstone report to international bodies, including the UN General Assembly and the Security Council."

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