Comparative-Democracies in Raja Chemayel with No comments and also money !!!!!In the United States of Americait is called :Lobbying, special-interest-groupsand DonationsIn my country (Lebanon)we simply call it :bribery and corruption.In my country we have 12 different political partiesand we are called :an emerging-democracy.In the United States of American you have only two political-parties, but, almost identical and it is called :well-established-democracyIn the United States of Americait cost one and a half Billion Dollarsto finance , only, a presidential-campaign .In my country ,one and half Billion Dollarsbuys for you :1 President + 8 ministers + 3 generals+ 2 News papersand a (the Future) -TV-StationSherlock HommosProf. in Ethical-Politology Share: Related Posts:Israel does not want peace it wants amnestyFrom Haiti to Gaza and from Zionism to AbbasAll those Holocausts......!!How the West(Bank) was wonJames Bond did not change......
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