Tuesday, September 22

Israeli war crime plane crashes and more

Comment on current events including the crash of an Israeli F-16 followed by commentary on colonial Tel-Aviv, a controversial bestseller shaking the foundation of the Israeli State, videos on night raids to terrorize Palestinian nonviolent resisters, a video on “I am Israel” and more.

Israel’s first astronaut Ilan Ramon was a military pilot who bombed Palestinian villages and refugee camps. He died in 2003 as the US shuttle Columbia carrying him crashed and its debris ironically fell over PALESTINE, Texas. His son Asaf wanted to follow his footsteps and became an Israeli fighter jet pilot. Yesterday, the son was killed when his F-16 warplane (that helped bomb Palestinians) crashed on the South Hebron hills in PALESTINE during a training exercise. I wonder when Israeli elites will learn that war and conflict do not pay and that he who lives by the sword dies by the sword.

Some of the items in Israeli and Arab media I saw in the past two days
“Lieberman used Africa trip to lay groundwork for arms deals” (Israeli foreign minister to South America was also about exporting wars and mayhem)
“NGOs: One out of every three Holocaust survivors lives in poverty”
(but Zionist leadership is getting rich using the Holocaust industry)
“Window closing for a peaceful resolution to Iran nuclear ambitions”
(the Israeli threats and bullying to get the US into another Middle East War has been getting more shrill as Zionist pundits in Western Media increase pressure)
“Israeli leaders insist on continuing and expanding settlements”
(as if they ever stopped in the past 62 years)
"Iraqi gays harrassed and killed"
(they where better off under Saddam Hussain before the Amerrican occupation)
"Iraqi shoe thrower to be released"
(Iraqi public is jubilant and considers him a national hero)
“Fishermen desperate in Gaza as Israel keeps them from fishing”
“Israeli human Rights organization B’Tselem reports that most of those killed in Gaza last winter were civilians”
(Israeli military cast lead killed hundreds of civilians over a period of three weeks)
“Dahlan appointed spokesman for Fatah Central Committee”
(Dahlan ran a paramilitary organization trained by the CIA and other Western agencies and according to human rights groups had committed a number of atrocities)

Night Raid on Bilin: Israel’s attempts to terrorize the noncviolent demonstrators against the apartheid wall has taken the form of arrests of dozens of activists and leaders usually at 2-4 AM to send a signal to stop the weekly demonstrations that have attracted world wide attention and helped spread boycotts, divestments and sanctions

Colonial Tel-Aviv
By celebrating Tel-Aviv, and especially by claiming the right to separate the city from the conflict and thus confirm its image of innocence and “diversity”, Western curators are able to pay homage to colonialism and justify its role in their own societies.

Ex-Congressman James Traficant in moments of candor on the role of AIPAC

Video posted at Australians for Palestine: I AM ISRAEL
http://australiansforpalestine.com/ or

Controversial Bestseller Shakes the Foundation of the Israeli State By Joshua Holland, AlterNet
“What if the Palestinian Arabs who have lived for decades under the heel of the modern Israeli state are in fact descended from the very same "children of Israel" described in the Old Testament? And what if most modern Israelis aren't descended from the ancient Israelites at all, but are actually a mix of Europeans, North Africans and others who didn't "return" to the scrap of land we now call Israel and establish a new state following the attempt to exterminate them during World War II, but came in and forcefully displaced people whose ancestors had lived there for millennia? What if the entire tale of the Jewish Diaspora -- the story recounted at Passover tables by Jews around the world every year detailing the ancient Jews' exile from Judea, the years spent wandering through the desert, their escape from the Pharaoh's clutches -- is all wrong?

That's the explosive thesis of When and How Was the Jewish People Invented?, a book by Tel Aviv University scholar Shlomo Zand (or Sand) that sent shockwaves across Israeli society when it was published last year. After 19 weeks on the Israeli best-seller list, the book is being translated into a dozen languages and will be published in the United States this year by Verso”

Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD
A Bedouin in Cyberspace, a villager at home

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