Friday, August 28

Jews 'Don't Like Israel Like Evangelicals Do'

Former US presidential nominee Mike Huckabee says Israel is much better favored by the American evangelicals than by the American Jewish community.

"Maybe one of the hard things is to convince some of our Jewish friends that Evangelicals are the best friends they've got - because I think generally, that's the case," Huckabee said in the epilogue to a three-day visit to Israel."Evangelicals are so much more supportive of Israel than the American Jewish community," he added in an interview with the CBN News.

He said that the evangelical Christians were, unlike Jews, consistently supportive of the Israeli territorial assertions.

"I don't find that kind of dichotomy generally within the Evangelical community…. It's pretty adamant: There ought to be one city. It ought to be a Jewish state. And it ought to be secure."

Some evangelical churches fully support the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian lands and even consider the Israeli massacres in the West Bank and Jerusalem [al-Quds], which have been internationally denounced as ethnic cleansing, to be a biblical imperative.

Most evangelicals in the US voted for the pastor and former Arkansas Governor during his 2008 Republican presidential candidacy. Fifty five percent of the American population is reported to be Evangelical Christians.

During his visit to Israel, Huckabee reiterated his longtime Zionist affiliations by asserting that Jerusalem had to be the eternal united capital of Israel.

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