Tuesday, July 14

Israeli minister changes Arab names of Palestinian cities

Palestinian Information Center


OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Israeli minister of transportation and road safety Yisrael Katz has ordered a change in all Arab names of Palestinian towns and cities that appear on signs on the streets into Hebrew names.

Hebrew daily Yediot Ahronot on Monday quoted the minister as saying that Jerusalem from now on would be called Yerushalayim and not Jerusalem and in Arabic the word Al-Quds would be erased and instead the word Yerushalayim in Hebrew would be written.

He also said that Nasera would be written Nazareth and Akka would be written Akko and so on.

The paper quoted Katz as saying that none would name Yerushalayim as Al-Quds not in this government and certainly not this minister.

The decision is another form of Israeli racism against Palestinians and an attempt to deprive them of their simplest rights mainly naming their own cities in their own language.


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