Tuesday, July 14

'Abbas played role in Arafat assassination plot'

Yasser Arafat died on November 11, 2004.

A senior official in the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) says the 'assassination' of the late Authority Chief Yasser Arafat was the result of an Israeli-Palestinian plot.

Farouk Qaddumi, head of PLO's political department, claimed in the Jordanian capital that the acting head of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas had played a part in an Israeli plot to kill the former head of the PLO, ISNA reported.

Qaddumi unveiled a document that showed the details an Israeli-Palestinian meeting which was held to discuss the killing of Arafat and some senior Hamas leaders.

According to the document, Abbas, a prime minister under Yasser Arafat, and senior Fatah leader Mohammad Dahlan had attended the meeting, which had also brought together a US delegation and former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

Qaddumi claimed Arafat himself had sent him a copy of the document.

Qaddumi said, after being informed about the plot, he urged Arafat to leave the Palestinian territories as soon as possible.

But Arafat preferred to confront the plot, he said.

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