many did not care for that speech....
they had some shopping to do.
How many Americans shared those new-views
of Obama´s ??
How many US-politicians ever agreed
with what he just promised us ??
How many even from White-House-staff ,
would call the Palestinian-cause ,
"undeniable "??
How many out of the Oval-office-inner-circle
do believe what their own boss has just said ??
In whose name did Obama speak ??
For someone like me ,
who has spend a quarter of a century
in Marketing and in Public-Relations ,
I can easily identify a PR-ploy ,
a sales-stunt , an image-brush-up
a face-lifting
or the launch of an advertisement-campaign.
If and when ,
Obama and the USA were to be honest:
a group of 100 observers should fly,
this week-end, and not later,
to Palestine and to report immediately and fairly
whether the new-settlements-building , will stop.
This is less than a minimum
of what should be done, as a start !!
if the validity of this speech
would want to survive
until the next full-moon.
Raja Chemayel
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