Saturday, April 11

Obama Speak

I watched the clip of Obama speaking to the adoring crowd in Iraq the other day, and something he said just amazed me. He told the soldiers that it is time to "make the Iraqis start taking responsibility for their own government." He made it sound like they had begged us to come over there, overthrow their government, and brutally occupy them for several years.
Evidently, it must have struck Debra Sweet, head of The World Can't Wait, the same way.
Here's what she had to say:
"Barack Obama said yesterday that it's time for the Iraqis to take over. Just think about that. The Bush regime lied about the reason for the 2003 invasion; destroyed the infrastructure of the country; created a situation where over one million people were killed, 4.5 million civilians were displaced from their homes; unleashed unprecedented sectarian violence in what had been a secular country; then paid off people to stop it; set up a puppet government that ceded control of the energy industry largely to the U.S.
Obama now leads a country that wrecked Iraq without any justification, against international law...and he goes there to tell U.S. troops that the Iraqis should now step up to occupy themselves? But it's OK because Obama was the "peace candidate?"
You can't make this stuff up. But you do have to follow it, expose it, and oppose it. Write me about what you think." Debra Sweet
Debra's is a great group, one of the few anti-war groups who is still actually against the war, unlike United for Peace and Justice and many others who have become war cheerleaders since the election.

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