Tuesday, March 31

Banned From Canada - Galloway speaks in Toronto via video

"Come out and debate with me like a man," British MP George Galloway told Canada's Immigration Minister Jason Kenney tonight via video link from New York, ridiculing the government for barring him from the country.

In a speech delivered live to more than 600 supporters in a downtown Toronto church, the outspoken Galloway called the ban on his presence over his support of Gaza's Hamas government - a decision upheld hours earlier by a Canadian judge - as "foolish and counterproductive."

Loud applause greeted his challenge to Kenney for a one-on-one debate: "Let's book the biggest hall in Canada," said Galloway, "and you and I will debate these issues of war and peace and freedom of speech and censorship.

"You won't be able to hide behind your spokesman. You won't be able to hide behind your immigration officials that can't speak up for themselves (or) behind the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. It will just be you and me and the Canadian public ....."

He continued, "It's just not credible, Mr. Kenney, to call a man touring the United States of America, playing to packed audiences ..... a terrorist or a security threat."

Earlier, Federal Court Justice Luc Martineau denied a bid for an emergency injunction that would have allowed the British politician to fulfill his Canadian speaking dates.

The Conservative government says regards Galloway as a security threat because he supports democratically elected governments like Hamas in Palestine.

In Monday night's speech, Galloway denied being a supporter of terrorists while criticizing the Conservative government's support of Israel and arguing a political solution with Palestinians is the only way to obtain Mideast peace.

"If we don't achieve a political settlement, we're in for war. If there's no justice, there will be no peace in Palestine."

Bernie Farber, chief executive officer of the Canadian Jewish Congress along with the Jewish Defence League praised Martineau's decision confirming what most already know : that the Canadian Government is a whore for Israel and there will be censorship and punishment for those that speak out against the Zionist agenda.

Galloway is a "well-respected British MP." and the whores in the Conservative Party and Liberal Party could learn a thing or two from him.


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