Monday, February 2

The unequal Rockets.....of enequal victims

If a Muslim Imam were standing here ,
it would be called "religious-fanaticism"
Imagine 2 rockets,
one goes up from Sederot and lands in Gaza-city
and the second Rocket goes up in Gaza
and does the opposite .
First we shall notice that the first Rocket
was faster and stronger....and most of all
it was more modern thus more efficient,
thus doing more damages.......
The second Rocket was inferior on all counts
and consequently it did much less damages.
The Human dimension to this short story
is more relevant than the technical one.
Because the old-inhabitants of Sederot
were thrown out in 1948 and have had
to resettle in the crowded Gaza , as refugees
withing a walking distance from their evacuated homes,
making room for a new invader who later became
the occupier and the oppressor and the colonial-power.
The Political dimension is also much relevant
although actually it is the most absurd:
Because the inhabitants of Sederot whose real name was Najd
are accusing the inhabitants of Gaza-City of "Terrorism"
while reminding the World of that Holocaust
which happened (or not) by the hands of others than Palestinians
but rather by those who have declared at EU headquarters
"that Hamas is a terrorist organisation"
The symbol remains as a hand-made-rocket
shot at the oppressors , while facing a High-Tech-Rocket
dumped on the victims.
There is a lot of inequality on this Planet
so why should all Rockets be equal ??
and why are the victims also unequal ?
There it is :
The Perpetrator occupies the home of his victim
and is shooting at the victim's refuge with
a better Rocket.....
and the victim ??....well , he is only the Terrorist !
Raja Chemayel
on the side of the victim
PS :
in Davos,
Simon Perez called those victims as Terrorists
and the Turkish Prime minister offered him a Mirror.

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