Saturday, January 3

Protest Israeli War Crimes Anywhere but not in Palestine!

A sad fact of life under the puppet regime of Abbas and his stooges is that one can protest Israel’s war crimes ANYWHERE in the world, EXCEPT the Palestinian territories under Abbas’s “control”…Palestinian Authority security personnel, who must either run away and hide or stand still with outstretched arms and weapons lowered when the Israelis enter, are now using force against their own people. These cowards who do not dare face the Israelis when they enter Palestinian towns are now showing their “bravery” against their own people, doing Israel’s dirty work for them! They are intent on turning Palestine into just another “puppet state” like the rest of the other so-called “Arab” states …

Shame on these cowards and their leadership who besmirch the very name of the heroes that laid down their lives before them for Palestine!


Palestinian police ban pro-Hamas protests

PA security officers in West Bank treat green flag as sign of dissidents and disburse all rallies protesting Israel's military operation in Gaza,7340,L-3649438,00.html


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