Saturday, January 10

Gaza: A message from George Galloway Respected MP

“The barbaric Israeli assault on Gaza will go down in infamy alongside Deir Yasin and Sabra and Shatilla as one of the defining events of the Palestinian tragedy and resistance.

“The atrocities are continuing – so too must the world-wide protests. We in Britain have a particular responsibility. Our government, alongside George W Bush, has sickeningly placed the blame on the Palestinians for their suffering in Gaza.

“Our government arms the quisling Arab regimes whose cowardice and greed are as necessary to Israel’s murder as its US supplied weapons.

“Historically, it was a British foreign minister who authored the Palestinian tragedy when he signed their country away to the Zionist movement.

“Respect helped organise the militant demonstration on Sunday in London outside the Israeli embassy within 24 hours of the first air raids on Gaza. We stand in solidarity with the protests called by diverse groups across Britain.

“Every single MP should be put under pressure to speak out clearly against Israel’s aggression. Those who do not will have the blood of innocent Palestinians on their hands.

“Let’s unify our efforts. Stop the Slaughter in Gaza. Hold the British government to account. Freedom for Palestine.”

Respect A4 leaflet on Gaza

Gaza placards for demonstrations (A4 to blow up to A3) (PDF doc!)

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