Wednesday, January 14

Add Your Call to the list for a Creation of the Israeli War Crimes Tribunal

"The UN must help uphold Human rights and Justice for Palestinian People, by seriously considering establishing an International criminal tribunal for Israel, (ICTI) in order that the Israeli Government., be held accountable for war crimes."-Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate

Everyone is urged to contact the United Nations by filling out the form located here:
see the attached letter to this posting for a example of what could be said: For the sake of humanity, justice and fairness fill out the form now! If Israel keeps getting away with war crimes like they did in Lebanon and now Gaza who is going to stop them when they want to invade your country?

Dear President General Assembly United Nations,

The current massacre happening in Gaza is of urgent concern to me and all people of conscience, for these attacks which bear all the trademarks of war crime demand a war crimes tribunal.

The 1.5 million open air prisoners of "the world's biggest concentration camp" are forced to continue to collectively-pay for democratically-electing Hamas.

While the Israeli authorities punish the Palestinians in order to teach Hamas a lesson, the INNOCENT pay the highest price!

Israel is refusing ceasefire requests, in spite of Hamas offering it on the basis of reasonable and attainable compromises:

"an end to the blockade, and an Israeli ceasefire on the West Bank", according to Yuval Diskin, current head of Israeli security services Shin Bet.

Also, in light of the current attacks which have sparked international condemnation, Archbishop Desmund Tutu said: "In the context of total aerial supremacy, in which one side in a conflict deploys lethal aircraft against opponents with no means of defending themselves, the bombardment bears all the hallmarks of war crimes."

Over the past 2 months, fuel supply to Gaza has been blocked leading to the closure of its power plant, and even the U.N. has been forced to halt distribution of food aid, upon which most Gazans are reliant. The actions of the Israeli authorities violate the Geneva Conventions and so many international norms. It is now more necessary than ever for the U.N. to establish an International Criminal Tribunal for Israel (ICTI), under U.N. Charter Article 22. Failure to create viable accountability would only further embolden the Israeli government to continue their extermination of the Palestinians.

As the crimes committed against Palestinians degrade all humanity, we request you to urge members of the U.N. General Assembly to swiftly take necessary and appropriate action towards creating an ICTI under U.N.Charter Article 22, and holding the Israeli government accountable.

I HOPE the 'fierce urgency of now' moves the world to unite and END the Siege on Gaza and End the Occupation of Palestine which is the ONLY way to security for Israel.

"HOPE has two children. The first is ANGER at the way things are. The second is COURAGE to DO SOMETHING about it."-St. Augustine

Eileen Fleming, Author, Founder WAWA:

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