Monday, December 15

Settler Violence in Hebron watch! You may have heard brief blurbs about settler violence against palestinians in hebron, you may have even heard Ehud Olmert, the prime minister of israel, call this violence "a pogrom in the worst sense of the word", but to truly understand what's going on in hebron you have to see it yourself.


and you can see a new experimental tv station broadcasting from hebron which uses mostly palestinian home videos. They do interviews with israelis and palestinians, and they let you see the footage that palestinians have begun to take of settlers harrassing and attacking them. They palestinians have learned that although the settlers have no fear of reprisal from police or soldiers, they are afraid of the video cameras, because they don't want people to see what they're doing to palestinians on a daily basis. So check out this tv station and watch the first few episodes, but be warned, it's disturbing. Also, if you really want to be inspired, go to:
and take a look at the "shministim" or "12th graders". These are high school graduates who have refused to serve in the israeli army because of the occupation of palestinian land. Please sign their letter but 4now:

Israeli Settler Pogrom Against Palestinians; CFR/Brookings Report Suggests Linking U.S. Aid to Settlement Freeze

This piece also appears at TPM Cafe

A week of Israeli settler outrages against Palestinians and against Israel's own security forces reached a crescendo over the last 24 hours with settlers opening fire on Palestinian civilians and unleashing violent disturbances across the West Bank. Israel's Justice Minister, Daniel Friedman, has just called the events a "shocking pogrom", journalists have described how their presence saved Palestinian residents of a home near Kiryat Arba from a lynching, and IDF sources described how the right wing activists "want to spark a religious war that would inflame the entire region."


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