Sunday, December 21

Israel supplying chemical weapons to supress the Greek uprising

A recent article in the mainstream Greek paper Ta Nea discusses plans to arm the Greek police with heavier weapons for repression in response to the current uprising. These include high-pressure water canons, plastic bullets, and other so-called "non-lethal" weapons familiar in the US and in Europe.

In addition to the wish list that has been proposed by the police to the Minister of the Interior, the article also mentions new weapons which are already being supplied--chemicals from Israel:

"What the police will get immediately is more tear gas. The constant firing of chemicals has emptied the supplies of the Greek Police and already the new "acquisitions" from Israel have made their appearance. These are characterized by the demonstrators as 'especially harsh in comparison with those which have been used by our own police.'..."

This is in line with reports from demonstrators during the most recent street battles in Athens that the riot police have been using a new kind of tear gas which they described as "asphyxiating".

It isn't clear at this point what the exact content of the new chemical "crowd control" weapons may be, but people familiar with Zionist repression against the second Intifada may recall the use in 2002 of new chemical agents causing suffocation and prolonged seizures (as documented in James Longley's film Gaza Strip).

Since at least the 1970s, Israel has come to rival even the US as a supplier of repressive technology and expertise globally.

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