Friday, November 7

Today in Palestine! ~ Headlines November 7, 2008 ~

The headlines brought to you by Shadi FaddaPCHR Weekly Report: 7
Palestinians killed, 21 injured by Israeli forces

In its weekly
summary of Israeli human rights violations in the Occupied Palestinian
Territories, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights has reported that 7
Palestinian resistance fighters have been killed, 21 civilians have been wounded
and 2 have been abducted by Israeli forces occupying the West Bank and Gaza

Protection of civilians weekly report 29 Oct - 4 Nov 2008 rwb.nsf/db900SID/VDUX-7L5PTX?

closed after three days and 2,962 Gazans pass into Egypt

percent of Gazans who sought to cross into Egypt via Rafah were turned away last
week, after Egypt opened the border point for three days.  According to de facto
Interior Minister Ehab Al-Ghussein the 1,276 individuals who were denied entry
into Egypt were said to be missing the appropriate paperwork, from universities
or hospitals to which they were travelling. There were also apparently
rejections based on "security concerns."


Another report of the Secretary-General, on
Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian
Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian
Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories
(document A/63/484), states that, on 4 September, the Secretary-General
addressed a note verbale to the Government of Israel, requesting information on
steps taken or envisaged concerning the implementation of the relevant
resolution (62/107).  No reply has been received, to that request.

soldiers beat civillians at Al-Ma'sara demonstration; settlers bring them

Two Palestinians were beaten by Israel soldiers during a
demonstration against the separation wall in the West Bank village of Al-Ma'sara
south of Bethlehem on Friday. About 200 demonstrators including international
and Israeli peace activists marched between the villages of Juret Ash-Sham'a and
Al-Ma'sara. As the protesters reached their destination Israeli troops attacked
them with batons. Those injured were Ibrahim Ali Taqatqa and Nidal Mahmoud
Zawahreh, who sustained light injuries after being struck repeatedly with wooden
batons. The popular committee to resist the wall dedicated the day's march to
the memory of former Palestinian Prime Minister Yasser Arafat, who died four
years ago next week. Several demonstrators reported seeing dozens of
settlers from the nearby Efrat settlement approach the area of the
demonstration. They said the settlers yelled curses on the demonstrators and
gave the soldiers food and juice.

Palestinian farmer
seriously wounded in northern Gaza

Palestinian medical sources
and eyewitnesses reported on Thursday that Israeli soldiers shot and wounded a
Palestinian farmer after surrounding him in his own farm in Jabalia, in the
northern part of the Gaza Strip.

woman injured by Israeli soldiers during Ni'lin protest

A Danish
woman was shot with a tear-gas canister during the weekly anti-wall protest in
the village of Ni'lin on Friday, and dozens of others suffered tear gas
inhalation.  The march proceeded as usual with protesters heading towards the
site of the construction of the separation wall, and was accosted by Israeli
soldiers who tried to prevent the protesters from accessing the confiscated
village lands.

Israeli soldiers film
themselves humiliating a bound Palestinian man

Television, Chanel 10, showed on Thursday a video footage taken by Israeli
soldiers filming themselves humiliating a bound and blindfolded Palestinian man
at a military roadblock in the occupied West Bank, Israeli online daily,
Haaretz, reported.

Troops Film Themselves Humiliating Palestinian

Israeli Channel
10 on Thursday released footage taken by Israeli occupation soldiers of
themselves humiliating a bound and blindfolded Palestinian man at a West Bank
checkpoint.  The footage shows the Palestinian kneeling and repeating
humiliating sentences given to him to say by the occupation soldiers, who belong
to the Golani infantry brigade.

troops film themselves humiliating bound Palestinian

Channel 10
on Thursday released footage taken by Israel Defense Forces soldiers of
themselves humiliating a bound and blindfolded Palestinian man at a West Bank

Fatah: Hamas
arrests dozens of our activists in Gaza

Palestinian President
Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah group said Hamas forces arrested dozens of its activists
in the Gaza Strip on Thursday in an attempt to sabotage Egyptian efforts to
reconcile the rival factions.

slams Jum'ah arrest; demands immediate release

Legislative Council (PLC) member and leader of the Palestinian National
Initiative Mustafa Al-Barghouthi on Friday demanded that Hamas free Ashraf
Juma'ah, a Fatah leader detained Thursday in the Gaza Strip. Barghouthi called
his abduction "a violation of the laws of the parliament and political
jurisdiction," and urged leaders to end political arrests in both Gaza and the
West Bank.

Hamas says
unlikely to attend Cairo unity meeting

The Islamist group Hamas
is unlikely to take part in an Egyptian-sponsored Palestinian reconciliation
conference on Sunday, a top Hamas official said.

and Hamas in unity government talks

The rival Palestinian
factions Hamas and Fatah will meet in Cairo on Sunday for the first time in more
than a year in an Egyptian-led effort to agree a unified government and end
their divisions.  Egyptian officials have prepared an outline deal that would
include a "national reconciliation government", but it is short on details and
could take weeks of negotiation. The last effort at a unity government, arranged
by the Saudis in February 2007, collapsed and the factions reverted to a near
civil war until Hamas seized full control of Gaza months later.

May Cancel Palestinian Talks

The Egyptians may postpone next
week's "national reconciliation" conference for the Palestinian factions
following threats by Hamas to boycott the gathering, Palestinian Authority
officials said Thursday.  The PA officials told Israeli daily The Jerusalem Post
that Hamas has informed the Egyptians that the movement has many reservations
regarding the Egyptian initiative for solving the crisis between Hamas and

of 11 November Arafat commemoration in Gaza unclear; Hamas says no request for
event received

An application to hold a commemoration festival
for the former Palestinian President Yasser Arafat was rejected by the de facto
Gaza government, said Head of the committee organizing the event Abu Walid
Az-Ziq. Spokesperson for the de facto Ministry of the Interior Ihab Al Ghusein,
however, said the ministry has received no official applications for festival

settlement growth damaging peace prospects-Rice

U.S. Secretary
of State Condoleezza Rice cautioned Israel on Friday about continued building in
Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank, saying it was hurting peace

under siege - The Israelis attack us every day

"I've been a
fisherman for fifteen years now, ever since I was fifteen years old. My father
was a fisherman and so was my grandfather. I have spent half my life at sea. But
every day we face problems from the Israeli gunboats: they follow us, and then
they start shooting at us because they want to force us to stop working."

youth unemployment rate soars

Palestine's labor force's highest
rate of unemployment is among 15-to-29-year-olds, according to a recent survey
released Thursday.
The report, published by the Palestinian Central Bureau of
Statistics (PCBS), found that the highest unemployment rate is concentrated
among youth.

and international representatives join Bil'in in weekly

An increasing number of high-profile protesters have
joined Bil'in residents in their weekly protest against the construction of the
separation wall, organized by the local Popular Committee Against the Wall.  On
Friday Palestinian Minister of Traffic and Transport Mashour Abu Daqa member of
the Palestinian Legislative Council Moheb Awad, Fatah member Walid Assaf, and
Head of the Middle East Committee in the European Parliament, Aristotelis
Pavlides attended the rally.

courts open doors for citizens, media to observe judicial

Special Report- The door of the Palestinian juridical
system was opened to the public on Thursday in a response to recent accusations
on shortcomings in the courtroom processes.  The open courts were packed with
media and concerned citizens, who are not permitted into courtrooms unless they
are themselves going through legal proceedings.

Obama, Olmert
agree on need to advance Mideast peace talks

Outgoing Prime
Minister Ehud Olmert called U.S. President-elect Barack Obama on Thursday, and
the two discussed the need to press ahead with the peace process with the
Palestinians, Olmert's office said.

protest construction of museum over Islamic cemetery in

A rally to save the Ma'man Allah Islamic cemetery took
to Jerusalem streets on Thursday in protest of the Israeli high court's decision
to allow the building of a museum for tolerance on the historic Islamic cemetery
in East Jerusalem.

versus civic life in Gaza

As the rival Palestinian political
parties are set to engage in serious national unity talks in Cairo shortly, they
leave behind a series of division-based problems, primarily strikes of public
services. For the past 16 months, the ruling Hamas party in Gaza and the Fatah
party of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas have been at odds. While
Hamas has taken measures against Fatah in Gaza, in the West Bank the reverse has
occurred. EI correspondent in Gaza Rami Almeghari reports on the impact the
political strife has had on the educational sector in occupied Gaza. v2/article9943.shtml

"Dignity" ship sails from
Cyprus to Gaza on Friday evening

On Friday, November 7, the
DIGNITY leaves at 5:00 pm from Larnaca to Gaza. This time, thirteen European
Parliamentarians (from England, Ireland, Italy, Turkey, Wales, Switzerland, and
Scotland) are on board.

fund soccer pitch on Palestinian earth slated for separation wall

The British Consul General in Jerusalem, and the
International aid foundation joined up with the municipality of the northern
West Bank town of Az-Zawiah to open a community soccer field on an area of earth
designated to run beneath the path of the Israeli separation wall.

U. event likens Gaza to Ghetto

LONDON - The situation in Gaza
will be compared to that in the Warsaw Ghetto under the Nazis, at a prestigious
London university next week.  The event is being organized by the Palestine
Twinning Campaign, a student union group that won a vote last February to twin
Goldsmiths with Al-Quds University's campus near Nablus and to offer
scholarships to two Al-Quds students.

pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle% 2FShowFull

rhythms of resistance

Jackie Reem Salloum, a film director and
activist, has been one of the key players in the movement to increase global
interest in Palestinian art.  Born to Palestinian and Syrian parents in
Dearborn, Michigan, her artwork was influenced by her experiences as a young
woman in the Arab Diaspora.  During her late teens, she studied at the renowned
Steinhardt art school at New York University, where she learned to reinterpret
traditional American cultural symbols like gum ball machines to include
references to revolutionary figures like Musa Kazim Pasha al-Husseini, a mayor
of Jerusalem who was ousted in the 1920s for his opposition to British
pro-Jewish policies. focus/2008/11/

Zone / Child bride

The scent of aromatic candles wafted through
the crammed, ornate pink-walled room. A painting of a naval battle covers most
of the wall behind her. The furniture is very stylized. On her desk - near a
laptop, a fax machine, a pack of thin Parliaments from which she pulls a
cigarette, and a good deal more - sits a photograph of her between her two sons.
These are her two boys: The one she had when she was 13, who was taken from her
at birth and whom she did not see again for 18 years, and the one she raised by


I consider myself an immensely privileged person. While
my friends back home spend the rainy British afternoons indoors, fretting about
global financial meltdown and wondering if there's any chance of sunshine this
year, I sit in the shade of an olive tree on a hillside overlooking a rust-red
Mediterranean valley, and ponder. Compared to London, life in the northern West
Bank village of Yanoun moves slowly. A boy of seven or eight stands near me with
a plastic pipe and a bottle of detergent, blowing bubbles into the breeze.
Lizards dart among the rocks and sparrows scrap noisily in the cracks of a barn
wall. The only other sounds are cries from olive pickers in the valley, bleats
of sheep and once every half an hour or so, the revs of a distant tractor. For
Yanounis, the terms "credit crunch" and "financial crisis" are, like Tony Blair
and the Icelandic Krona, largely irrelevant.

Gaza woman names
quintuplets after Hamas leaders and militants

A woman from the
Gaza Strip who recently gave birth to quintuplets named her babies after Hamas
leaders and suicide bombers, a local Islamist website reported on Friday. The
woman from the Al-Bureij refugee camp in the Gaza Strip delivered three boys and
two girls by caesarian section in a hospital in Gaza City. 20081107/118188037.html

'Syria will
restrain Hezbollah and Hamas if Obama shifts U.S. policy'

would be prepared to restrain the militant activities of Hezbollah and Hamas if
a U.S. administration led by President-elect Barack Obama shifts its policy
toward Damascus, according to a state analyst in Damascus.

Thursday: 13
Iraqis Killed, 34 Wounded

Nov. 6, 2008 At least 13 Iraqis were
killed and another 34 were wounded in the latest attacks. Baghdad saw another
round of bombings, even as the U.S. and two other countries plan to reduce their
troops or remove them completely.

seek more 'withdrawal' talks, U.S. says they're over

Newspapers - BAGHDAD — The United States delivered Thursday what it said was the
final text of the controversial accord on the stationing of U.S. forces in Iraq,
but Iraq said more talks are needed before the government can accept it.

preachers warn against Iraq-US troop deal

Several prominent
Shiite preachers in Iraq gave fiery Friday sermons warning against the signing
of a new security agreement which would keep US forces in the country for up to
another three years. "Every Iraqi should read this agreement and decide for
himself whether he agrees or disagrees with it," Sheikh Sattar al-Batat, a
follower of anti-American cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, said in the crowded slum of
Sadr City.

Obama Administration, Iraq, and the Question of Leverage

Barack Obama's victory in the American presidential elections there are
expectations of changes in US policy in Iraq, involving a substantial reduction
of force levels. The U.S. forces will withdraw in large numbers, but beyond
that, and of interest to those who care for Iraq itself, can Obama realistically
hope to achieve anything other than a unilateral withdrawal?
Administration_Iraq_and_the_ Question_of_Leverage-3442.shtml

to appoint a Middle East envoy

The US really is indispensable to
the resolution of the region's most intractable problems – as long as it
rediscovers the transformative power of hard-nosed diplomacy. 6fc2f97a-ac41-11dd-bf71-

years of Bush, Arabs see hope in Obama

AP - An Arab news network
blared U.S. election coverage in a Cairo hair salon, and the barbers and
beauticians watched the images of Barack Obama's victory in amazement. Then it
cut to scenes from the latest Israeli-Palestinian violence and the funeral of
Gaza fighters. ap_on_re_mi_ea/ml_mideast_

A Palestinian
refugee's open letter to Obama

Dear President-elect Barack
Obama: I don't know if you will read these words or not, but I do hope that such
words that come from my heart will reach yours, and you can find the hope and
strength our people still have in them. I do hope that you will fulfill your
promise of change, that your daughters will remain proud of their father and his
achievements. Right is right, and justice is justice. All people are equal, and
no race or color is superior above the others. EI contributor Abdelfattah
Abusrour writes from occupied Ramallah. v2/article9942.shtml

to Obama: Restore Palestinian rights

Iranian president sends
congratulatory telegram to US president-elect Obama. 'We hope new government can
fulfill its people's demand to distance itself from present statesmen's wrong
approaches,' he says.

Iraqis, Afghans, Palestinians, and Others Might Be Nervous About President

John Pilger, Mahmood Mamdani, Raed Jarrar, Tariq Ali,
Laura Carlsen, and more on Obama's troubling foreign policy ideas. columnists/story/106196/why_
iraqis%2C_afghans%2C_ palestinians%2C_and
_others_ might_be_nervous_about_

sends Palestinian Muslim to Legislature

Lawyer and community
activist Rashida Tlaib, the daughter of Palestinian immigrants who never
attended high school, becomes the first Muslim woman ever to serve in the
Michigan Legislature. She said she wouldn't have run but for the repeated urging
of her Jewish boss and predecessor, outgoing Democratic state Rep. Steve

A Plea from
Israel: Come, Obama, Change My Life

Obama my dear, they tell me
that you are going to change the world. Do me a favor, come and change my life
personally. Come to Israel, grab its stupid leadership by the throat and take
its foot off the neck of another people. Come and force us to do what is clear,
and written, and fitting, and necessary, come and get us out of the Territories,
if necessary do it with a smile that reveals million-dollar teeth. If necessary
bare your teeth and force us to do it. canetti11062008.html

Emanuel's father: "What is he, an Arab? He's not going to clean the floors of
the White House."

In an interview with Ma'ariv, Emanuel's
father, Dr. Benjamin Emanuel, said he was convinced that his son's appointment
would be good for Israel. "Obviously he will influence the president to be
pro-Israel," he was quoted as saying. "Why wouldn't he be? What is
he, an Arab? He's not going to clean the floors of the White

U.S. Jews
laud Obama pick of Rahm Emanuel for chief of staff

Jewish community welcomed U.S. President-elect Barack Obama's pick of Rep. Rahm
Emanuel for the post of Chief of Staff, saying that the choice demonstrates that
Obama has learned from the mistakes of previous Democratic presidents.

Black Israeli
Voices on Obama's Victory

The tag "extremist" is best to be
avoided; being essentially relative, its main function is defamatory.
"Extremists" are those who are on the farthest margin; but margins are relative
and volatile. Many Israelis would say a person supporting full Israeli
withdrawal to the 1967 lines is an "extremist," just because this position –
shared, in fact, by most states and people on the globe, as well as by
international law and the United Nations – is marginalized within Israel. I
guess in Saudi Arabia, supporters of women's right to drive a car are
"extremists" too. hacohen/?articleid=13730

ADL blasts Greek
paper for branding Obama win `end of Jewish domination`

Anti-Defamation League (ADL) on Thursday blasted a mainstream Greak newspaper
for running a headline declaring Barack Obama's election as "The end of Jewish

haters' attack black-Muslim youth in US

As celebrations of
Barack Obama's historic victory broke out across the United States, a group of
hooded white men brutally attacked a young black-Muslim immigrant while shouting
"Obama," press reported Friday. Liberian immigrant Ali Kamara, 17, said he was
on his way home on the Nov.

Copy of Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty Four" Sent To Every MP

books will be inscribed with the words, 'This book was a warning, not a
blueprint', and will arrive at Parliament on or before November 5th -- a date of
well known historical significance for that building.

Orwell - 1984 - The Movie


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