Wednesday, November 5

Once upon a time in the East.....

There is a long tradition in the West
in hanging "the wrong people"
mainly the brown-ones with black-hair .
Once upon a time in Afghanistan
there were people opposing the Talibans
and others supporting the Talibans
and all were Afghans living in Afghanistan.
Then one day , allegedly 9 Saudis , 2 Egyptians
and 3 Yemenis and one Lebanese
attacked New York.............on 911.
Consequently , the USA , the UK and the NATO
decided to invade Afghanistan
(as a prelude to invading Iraq)
and to get rid of those Talibans
who were Afghans in Afghanistan minding there
afghanee-businesses inside Afghanistan
and dealing with Afghan-matters
Those " invaders without a cause"
fabricated an new- ideology and called it :
"the war on terrorism" ,
knowing that no Afghan's ever were in New York
nor in London nor in Paris nor in Madrid .
And I bet you that 70% of the Talibans cannot
find New York on any Spanish- Map !!
If the Talibans were the "bad-guys"
they never went outside their own sphere
never harmed but their own people or society
provided we must not believe G.W.Bush and Tony Blair
when they claimed that Talibans
were "a threat to Western Democracies".
Whether Tony Blair is a liar , or I am
whether G.W. Bush is an Idiot , or I am ,
The Tabilans , whom I disslike , never harmed
those foreign armies invading them today ,
nor did they have any such intentions.
Conclusion :
Whatever the Talibans are , or are not,
they were not commiting Terror , by invading anyone.
Someone else did it.......
Invasion is terror
Occupation is terror
War is terror
So let us first make
" war on those terrors "
Sherlock Hommos
PS :
It is cruxial to know the difference between
the Talibans and the Qua'eeda (Al Kaida)

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