Thursday, October 9

Is Ken Dryden's racism in the face of genocidal treatment acceptable to Stephane Dion?

Dear Mr. Dion,

Re: Racism from your Liberal candidates should be unacceptable. [In regard to Ken Dryden's statement: “Stop all aid that flows into Gaza. While that may seem a harsh measure that will hurt Palestinian civilians… it is the right thing to do at this time.”]

As you must know, the Israeli treatment of Palestinians, especially those in Gaza has been described --- even by Israelis -- as genocide. In October 2000, the United Nations described the Israeli treatment of Palestinians as a crime against humanity. For Mr. Dryden to claim that stopping sending humanitarian aid to Gaza is the "right thing to do at this time" exhibits the most shocking racism, hatred, and criminal support of the genocidal treatment that Gazans are facing. Is this acceptable to you?

We expect that as a man of integrity you will fire Ken Dryden as you did Lesley Hughes last week, because Dryden's transgression in support of genocide and crimes against humanity is truly unacceptable, especially comparing it to Ms. Hugues's truth-telling.

Lesley Hughes' "crime", speaking on a 9/11 panel some time ago, was to refer to Israeli foreknowledge about 9/11, evidence which continues to be confirmed on the web sites of newspapers including the Israeli Ha'aretz, -- while the criminal hatred and racism demonstrated by Ken Dryden is truly unforgivable and should be unacceptable from anyone running for Member of Parliament in Canada.

It's one thing to suck up to the Jewish community, but to tolerate that kind of hatred and racism under the current genocidal circumstances in Gaza should be unacceptable even to you and your party..

Karin Brothers
573 Huron St., Toronto

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