Monday, October 13

Can. Islamic Congress on BC Human Rights Tribunal's Maclean's ruling


* Islamic Congress responds to British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal’s
decision on Human Rights Complaints filed against /Maclean's/ *

(October 10, 2008) Toronto - Legal Counsel to the Canadian Islamic Congress
(CIC), Faisal Joseph, responded today to the British Columbia Human Rights
Tribunal’s decision in the case filed against /Maclean's/ magazine.

"We are pleased that the Tribunal discredited the content of the articles
that /Maclean’s/ and Mark Steyn have been publishing about Islam and
Muslims," said Joseph referring to the Tribunal’s findings that the article
contains "numerous factual, historical, and religious inaccuracies about
Islam and Muslims," and that it attempted "to rally public opinion by
exaggeration and causing the reader to fear Muslims."

According to Joseph, the Tribunal also notes in paragraphs 94 and 151 of
its ruling that the /Maclean’s/ article contributed to the hatred and
contempt of Muslims expressed by "several Internet blogs ... which included
calls to exterminate European Muslims with DDT because they were
multiplying like mosquitoes, calls for an end to Muslim immigration, and
calls for enough bullets or nuclear bombs to eliminate the Muslim problem."

"We are disappointed that the Tribunal did not find that the article itself
subjected Muslims to hate," said Joseph. "However, it did not apply the
same test for establishing hatred and contempt as it did in earlier
rulings," he added, referring to complaints submitted by the Canadian
Jewish Congress and the B’nai Brith against the /North Shore Free Press./
"Had the same test been applied, the result may well have been different."

"We feel vindicated that human rights commissions in Ontario and British
Columbia have acknowledged the role of /Maclean’s /in promoting societal
intolerance toward Muslim Canadians," said Joseph. "We hope that all news
media will now take this opportunity to critically examine how Muslims are
represented in their news and editorial coverage."

"My clients will take some time to determine whether we will apply for a
review of the Tribunal’s decision," Joseph concluded. "However, we feel
that our objective of exposing /Maclean’s/ and Mark Steyn for their
misrepresentation and stereotyping of Muslims has been achieved."

The Tribunal’s complete decision can be accessed on its website:

For Steyn's and other Maclean's articles see:


Faisal Joseph - Legal Counsel to the Canadian Islamic Congress


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