Tuesday, August 26

US Senator Joe Binden admits he is a Zionist

If Americans want change don't count on your Government making change. You have John McCain who is a bush follower and also a nut case. Then you have Barack Obama who we don't fully know will do if he ever made office, but we do know he supports Israel and now we know where US Senator Joe Binden stands on Israel, so much he even admits he is a Zionist.

Can there be a real movement in American be formed - a movement for REAL change?

US Senator Joe Biden, former candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination and now the running mate of Barack Obama, speaks with Shalom TV CEO Mark S. Golub on Israel and Jewish-related issues in this 2007 exclusive interview in Washington DC.

Shalom TV is an American Jewish cable television network carried nationwide on Comcast, as well as on Time Warner Cable in NYC and LA, Verizon FiOS TV, MetroCast Cablevision, Bright House, Service Electric, and Blue Ridge systems. The free network is available in more than 20 million homes in the US. Complete programming information is available online at online at http://www.shalomtv.com

Just when you thought American Media could not get worse you lean that Israel and the American Government gets to SPREAD THEIR LIES AND BULLSHIT FREE!

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