Thursday, June 26

French President Sarkozy: No one believes the Wall will provide security for Israelis

ImageBethlehem / PNN – Palestinian and French flags were flying on the light poles in Bethlehem on Tuesday as Palestinian police line the sidewalks and sirens scream.

The French President Nicolas Sarkozy was in town along with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Before visiting the Church and touring the city, they attended an Investment Conference in Al Khader, a village just outside of the city that is being eaten away by Israeli settlement expansion and Wall construction.

At a joint press conference today the French President said that no one could believe that the Wall will provide “security” for the Israelis.

“The Wall does not serve the peace process in the region,”

Sarkozy told journalists in the south-central West Bank city.

He stressed that peace will be achieved by the allowance of Palestinian development, alluding to the fact that the French government has “strong determination” to see the birth of an independent Palestinian state. He also stressed that “security for Israel” is of utmost importance. He did not mention the need for Palestinian security under occupation.

Although it has seemed to the contrary on certain points considering Sarkozy’s speech with the Israelis yesterday, he said today, “We do not use a double standard in this talk. We do not say one thing in the Israeli Knesset and something else here in Bethlehem.”

Sarkozy pointed out that there are great tragedies in the region, and said, “I am happy to come to Bethlehem, yet at the same time I saw barriers and the Wall and the threat of misunderstanding between both sides. France will help in everything and give confidence for a just and mutual exchange in order to advance the peace process in the region. We will stand together and we want this now, not later.”

President Abbas described the French President as “a friend of the Palestinian people.” He said that remains crucial that Palestinians have security while still under Israeli occupation, an independent state, and an end to the suffering of the Palestinian people.

The President had held earlier talks with Sarkozy, who arrived before noon today and was received by Abbas in the Presidential Headquarters. They spoke of developments in the “peace process,” the status of negotiations with the Israelis, and the failure of such a process due to Israeli practices which include continued settlement building in the West Bank, including Jerusalem.

President Abbas focused his talk with the French President on the need for the international community to put pressure on Israel to stop oppressive practices, particularly the settlement policy which is having a devastating impact on the “peace process.”

For part of his speech before the Israeli Knesset on Monday the French President criticized Israeli settlement policy as a fundamental obstacle to achieving peace. He also spoke regarding Jerusalem being the capital of two states.

Just before the conclusion of his visit to Bethlehem two presidents will sign the French and Palestinian agreement to establish a new industrial zone in the city worth 21 million USD, financed by the French government in its efforts to help build the Palestinian national economy. Later this afternoon the French president was in the Church of Nativity.

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