Thursday, May 29

Zionist Morality

Zionist Morality

Robert Thompson,

May 26, 2008, 12:27

A dear Swiss friend sent to me, and to many others, an article written by Yehezkel Dror and published on Dror is described as being "the founding president of the Jewish People Policy Planning Institute" and "professor emeritus of political science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem". This article is entitled "When Survival of the Jewish People Is at Stake, There's No Place for Morals", and it argues that to ensure the "survival of the Jewish people" any and every evil action is fully justified.

While I was well aware of similar views having been expressed by the Polish terrorist David Gruen (who called himself Ben Gurion), I have never before read anything so crudely and openly racist from a Zionist source. Mr Dror classifies all non-Jews as being of lesser value than "Jews", without clearly defining this word. It is not clear, for example, how he would classify the said David Gruen, who did not practise Judaism, since Mr Dror also attacks assimilation by "Jews" as happens in many countries around the world.

Curiously, Mr Dror insists, without explaining why, that it is necessary to have a "Jewish state" to ensure the survival of those whom he classifies as "Jews". This leads me to presume that he believes in a "Jewish race", as did Wilhelm Marr, Theodor Herzl, Adolf Hitler, and the Zionists. When I personally use the word "Jewish", I think of followers of Judaism, and fully understand that they are not all of one race, but that they share highly honourable beliefs and traditions received from men and women who have valued and passed them on over centuries. Similarly, I think of Christians as being followers of Christian beliefs and traditions, and I do not see why they should need to live in a supposedly "Christian" state to live as Christians. In any case, most of those who think of themselves as Jews live in many countries spread around the world and have not all gone to live in Palestine.

This brings us to the nonsensical question of whether a "Jewish atheist" (an oxymoron if ever there was one) is different from a "Christian atheist" or a "Muslim atheist", since by definition no genuine atheist can belong to any religious group. If one reads the so-called "Laws" of the Aliyah, enacted by the Zionists in Palestine, it is clear that for the founding fathers of the Zionist "state" a Jew is a member of a privileged racial group; religion has little to do with the said "Laws", except where they exclude anyone who has specifically joined another religion than Judaism.

Mr Dror's amorality is extreme, and he does not hesitate to justify any action to protect the racial "purity" of his chosen people, who are mostly not biologically descended from Abraham but from Caucasian tribes which adopted Judaism (generally known as Ashkenazim) to distinguish themselves from Christian and Muslim neighbours, later moving into eastern Europe. It would be interesting to ascertain Mr Dror's definition of "Jew" and "Jewish". But this is less horrifying than his clear statements that, in order for the "Jewish People" to survive, they are entitled to do anything, and need to have a "Jewish state". He particularly states that this is more important than "liberal and humanitarian values, support for human rights and democratization".

One point where I seem to agree with Mr Dror is that the Nazi killing of those whom they qualified as "Jews" should be condemned absolutely. But I doubt whether, as he suggests, there occurred a "killing only a few decades ago of a third of the Jewish people". On the other hand, the numbers killed are not as important as the sheer evil of the Nazi murders, and Mr Dror should bear this in mind. I also support the "never again" reaction to the Nazi horrors, since they can only be justified by the kind of evil argument put forward by Mr Dror and other believers in racial superiority.

His arguments put him, quite simply, on a par with Hitler and Stalin, who shared his lack of concern about morality. I recommend that everyone who wishes to understand Zionism should read this article dated 15 May 2008. The article does at least serve the useful purpose of revealing the true horror of Zionist beliefs, and explains why such people persecute the innocent indigenous people of Palestine.

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