Thursday, May 15

TONIGHT! RADIO FREE PALESTINE: 18-hour international radio broadcast on 60-years of Palestine

Tune-in tonight at MIDNIGHT!

For links to listen online and a complete schedule visit:

RADIO FREE PALESTINE:  18-hour international radio broadcast on 60-years
of Palestinian

TONIGHT @ MIDNIGHT -- Join the International Middle East Media Center in
Bethlehem (Palestine), in collaboration with CKUT 90.3fm in Montreal
(Quebec, Canada), CHRY 105.5fm in Toronto (Ontario, Canada), CKDU  88.1fm
in Halifax (Nova Scotia, Canada), and KBOO 90.7fm in Portland (Oregon,
USA) for a historic international radio reflection of  the Palestinian
Nakba or catastrophe, including contributions from Pacifica Radio and
Democracy Now!

Thursday, May 15th, 2008, commemorates 60 years of the Palestinian Nakba.
In 1948, eighty-five percent of Palestinians living in what is today the
state of Israel became refugees.  More than 500 Palestinian villages were
depopulated and then destroyed to prevent the return of  the displaced
native population.  60-years later, there are upwards of 7 million
Palestinian refugees dispersed throughout the world and Palestinians
abroad are the world's oldest and largest refugee population, making-up
more than one fourth of all refugees.  Israel continues to occupy and
colonize Palestinian land through the construction of Jewish only
settlements, the Wall in the West Bank, and  the collective punishment of
civilians in the Gaza Strip.

On Thursday, May 15th from from 12am until 6pm (EDT), "Radio Free
Palestine" will broadcast on these and many other topics concerning the
ongoing Nakba of the Palestinian people.

An ARCHIVE of this program is available online at or email



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